Yea ive never released a cd but i am going to i have about 2 songs ready to sing and record, im still rusty on programs but i'll be ok, anyway i'll keep u updated on it So enjoy, i'll give you a cd cover as soon as i make it on photoshop on other computer.. so anyway u just wait, Im working on CD Case cover, its being made with photoshop and my abilites so it will be kinda bad.. also it will have Tohat font , remember that font. (OMFG): I have gotten some friends to make some songs for it to some will be rap (Aw well i cant choose what they sing) and others will be others, all mine will be rock except remix prefix.
1. Remix Prefix (Intro) (Toa5555 : Rap) LYRICS DONE
2. What do you see (Toa5555 : Rock/Techno)
3. Left Foot Right Foot (Might not be on CD) (Ray Brown:Army march)
4. I HATE ELMOGE (Toa5555:????) LYRICS DONE!
5. Number 1 Enemy (Toa5555 : Rock) LYRICS DONE
6. Boiled In Ice (Toa5555 : Love/Rock)