Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Aerial Combat [Infestation] RPG
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Relentles_Agony on 2006-04-02 at 04:28:03
[center]Aerial Combat [ Infestation ][/center]


A Scientific Research team has encounted problems in Sector 8 of the Uncharted Planet Omega Prime. We have come to you becuase your the best in the Buisness and we know we won't be dissapointed with your work, or so I've Heard. But Since you are "Mercenarys" you can't be trusted fully. I have brought along 2 other teams mainly for insurance to get the job done.. Here is your mission: To Clear out and Iradiacate Alien Resistance at Sector 8 of planet Omega. We have little intel on this starnge species other than it spreads quickly and they use some kind of biological weaponry. You will be given an special proto - type fighter which is very adgile in the air. Your plane is equiped with speacial proto - type assult weapons. Watch your fuel in your plane, dont run out. Also you only get one of these bad boys so take it easy... You have everything you need at your disposal so don't dissapoint us. Good Luck

Last Update: [April 3. 2006]
Added Update! [April 2, 2006]

Game Type - UMS
-Classifacation: RPG
Terrain - Jungle
Size - 256 x 256
Players - 2 or 4 or 6
Computers - 2

Objectives -

Kill Infestation to Gain Money
Pilot Gets [one] Proto - type Plane
Co-Pilot Controls Weapons, Builds and Expands
Game Successfull when No one but yourself survives you and your CO-Pilot

Game Roles -

Controls only thier Proto - type Plane, and Remote Control Infantry which is bought. The Pilot Gains money buy killing infests and other Mecenary Members. The Proto - type Plane can transport units for itself and the CO - Pilot.

CO - Pilot:
Controls Plane Weaponry, Repairs, and Training Infantry. This is all done inside of the Proto - type Plane. Can expand base to spread out.

Map Features -

Pilot Details:

Kills Infests to Gain Money
Buy Remote Control Infantry [11 Selections]
Load Units [Pilot - Co-Pilot]
Unload Units [Pilot - Co-Pilot]
Relaod Units [Pilot - Co-Pilot][When plane is Present]
Has Fuel
Can Refuel
Upgrade Plane Primary Weapons and Armor

Co-Pilot Details:

Gains Money when Pilot Kills Infests
Buy Weaponry
Use Weaponry as desired for pilot
Load Units [When Pilot is Docked]
Unload Units
Reload Units [When Plane is Present]
Able to Create Army
Upgrade Avalible
No air units can be made
Also Added Second Proto - Type Builder [PROBE] to extend unit count

Weaponry -

Co-Pilot weaponry: [buy and use for Pilot]

Guided Missile
Guided Bomb
Small HoloGraph [1]
Largh HoloGraph [5]

Pilot's weaponry:

Remote Control Rifleman
Remote Control Flamethrower
Remote Control Gunner
Remote Control Shotgun
Remote Control Cannon
Remote Control Tank
Remote Control Air Support
Three Diffrend Remote Control Fighter Planes

Remote Control Weaponry -

There are 11 selections to play around with
6 Land
5 Air including more Proto - type Planes

Progress -

Map Story Line 100%
Map Terrain 98%
Map Units 95%
Map Triggers 90%
Map Balancing 50%

Screen Shots:

These Are Now Alittle OutDated[Have to Create More....]

Other -

[center]Testers Need so if your interested let me know by email...
I can use take suggestions on map and to just let me know what you think...
If there are any detail you would like to know Ill put them in...

[center]Here is a BETA VERSION of the map for those who can't wait!!!!!
Tell me if you find any bugs Pleaze! There is Unit Balance Problems in this map so beware[/center]

UPdates! -

Balance Pilots Weaponry
Unit Balancing 60%
Adding Defense System for Pilots Bases 25%
-It will Iradicate Enemy Units with a Charged Ion Blast
Adding air WALLS to block Pilot 50%
Created Fuel Stations throughout map
Created Money Stations which can be captured and recaptured
Infestation hard but not Insane or Insane?

[center]Here is a REVISED BETA Ver of Aerial Combat [Infestation][/center]
[center]Tell me what you Think![/center]
[center]Mainly Unit Balancing issues and a few glitches have been added and fixed![/center]
[center]Pleaze post any suggestions or Ideas![/center]

Thx for coming to hopefully enjoy my map until then keep updated!


Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kupo on 2006-04-02 at 05:05:08
Sounds pretty sweet, i kinda like the whole pilot and co-pilot idea's, if you want testors im ethic@useast or Kupo@uswest. and goodluck with this map
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mayumi on 2006-04-02 at 06:36:32
Yeah this does sound pretty fun. Mayumi7@uswest dont play east haha, but goodluck with it smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AgenT_Nick on 2006-04-02 at 10:02:22
sounds truly cool! must download tonite!!! Oo.AgenT.oO@useast if ya need a holla!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2006-04-02 at 11:47:51
Yo that looks awsome. I'm just curious to see what the rest of the map will look like. We are only able to see some. Good luck man it looks awsome so far.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Relentles_Agony on 2006-04-02 at 23:47:22
Thx, Alot I appreciate the feedback, glad to hear That people Like it!!

I will add Updated Beta Ver of map In a couple of Days until then I will keep you up the Details!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shadow_Marine on 2006-04-03 at 07:52:22
This sounds like a cool map, unfortinatly I can't seem to download the attatchment confused.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AgenT_Nick on 2006-04-03 at 09:51:47
right click , save target as. , [file name].scx and there you go.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Relentles_Agony on 2006-04-03 at 18:18:58

Added updated SCX Map
-Fixed Few Glitches
-Balanced Units [still not done]

Email me at If you want to test LATEST VER!!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kupo on 2006-04-03 at 18:45:38
QUOTE(Shadow_Marine @ Apr 3 2006, 03:52 AM)
This sounds like a cool map, unfortinatly I can't seem to download the attatchment confused.gif

yeah me neither, tried to save target as still not working.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Relentles_Agony on 2006-04-03 at 19:37:28
QUOTE(Kupo @ Apr 3 2006, 04:45 PM)
yeah me neither, tried to save target as still not working.

Well Since its not working if you want it bad enough and have MSN Messanger my name is Sry I dont know whats wrong with it...?

Also I Renamed File and Put in Again so try again, If you can't get it then I dont know whats up...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by XGuy on 2006-04-03 at 19:47:23
Interesting map and idea... this is starcraft ofcourse biggrin.gif so il expect lots of "EXPLOSIONS" with ur bombs smile.gif. This map is new and it looks rly cool, but i think this is a better idea for like a flash game
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Relentles_Agony on 2006-04-03 at 20:26:12
QUOTE(XGuy @ Apr 3 2006, 05:47 PM)
Interesting map and idea... this is starcraft ofcourse biggrin.gif so il expect lots of "EXPLOSIONS" with ur bombs smile.gif. This map is new and it looks rly cool, but i think this is a better idea for like a flash game

Well this is and Honestly I'm sick of the same old stuff...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Javaboy on 2006-04-03 at 20:47:49
Sounds like a cool idea I like how it forces people to cooperate (a little team work here an there helps everyone) and it sounds like it has some good features. But still, this would make an awesome flash game XD .
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