I'm Ryan Edward Lee, i was apart of this community for a while, but then i took a long break, about a year long break. i came back because i've gotten back into starcraft and map making, and i will be posting some new work here soon. i see alot of old and new faces, so here is a quick break down of me
I like alot of music, and i like to make ums maps, and i am 17 years old. i am a huge fan of Dynasty Warriors and Romance of the Three Kingdoms. i've been playing SC ever since it came out, and thats about if, if you wanna chat or just find out more about me, add me to one of the three messanger services: MSN, YIM, or AIM, later.
Welcome. Ignore Doodan's rampages, avoid Syphon babies, dodge Euro's and DEAD's flamings, and escape the wrath of MiniMoose2707, and you shall be alright!