I think that a custom user titles are a privlege that should be earned at 500 posts (number is not definite). Of course, there would be a set of default preset ranks provided until a user reached that amount. Makes a user title something to be worked for, in my opinion. Let me know what you guys think.
Not really. I think it's just as neccasary as an avatar. But meh, whatever.
2000 posts.
But really, I think that member titles should stay at "Just here for the pie" at least until 50 posts.
People shouldn't have to work THAT hard to be able to edit their custom member titles, but also noobs shouldn't just be able to edit it as soon as they join.
Yet making people work for it even a little may slightly encourage them to "spam" there way to that goal even more. So if anything keep it how it is. I'd rather see new members being able to edit their titles at will than trying to post just to be able to edit it.
I think I can see where this is going. The people who have 500 posts are going to say Yes, and the people who don't are going to say now.
However. I think glow and other things should be given at Elite or some amount of posts (600?) that way there's less of a chance people will spam just to look cool.
Not 500, Maybe 50 or less. It's just few words anyway. Maybe an item at store.
Maybe you should change your user title at only 300 posts...When you become a Regular. Makes more sense that way.
Why change it?
Doesn't really make a difference to me. I say keep it the way it is.
And for the glow stuff, I say, keep it the way it is. There won't be any glowing on v5, and it doesn't show on FireFox.
I really don't care, so uh, no opinion. Custom member titles don't seem to be that huge of a deal.
I'd say 100. Once you get 100 cumulative posts, you're here to stay.
Just keep them, having them ranked until 300, 500 etc...is just so commanding.
I actually liked the time which we had a small rank image below our Custom User titles.
It also helps distinguish between the different member groups while in a post.
I remember those! Those sucked.
You suck. We should bring those back.
QUOTE(--- @ Apr 3 2006, 06:19 PM)
Like these!
Yup! Those woned back in the SeNv3 days.
Although not excatly those for the current SeNv4.1 or SeNv5, they would look terrible in here.
I don't mind "worked for" ranks as long as more ranks are created. Maybe have the default ranks plus more ranks kind of like the honor/reputation system in World Of Warcraft. You have "reputation" by the number of posts you have and you have "honor" by the amount you participate on the site. However, moderators and above shouldn't be included because they do so much it wouldn't be fair. Title Ex: Elite Member, Frequent Participation. Also, I think their should be an Honorary Rank or Jack Of All Trades (Like Warboards.org) for people who are retired and have at one time contributed greatly to SeN. Their "Honor" would be permanently set. Just some ideas though.

I say we change the green bars to images again!
Make them look sexy, though. Not like that spinning ScV and hydra, it spins too fast.
Just add a color in the title to distinguish between.
Or somehow force the cool shades of colors to work on Firefox.

i dont like the 500 post thing.
how about 75 posts that actually count (null posts dont count)
how about change the green bars colors to different colors... depending on there mood.
blue is for the special people that supports the website
green is for that member being good.
yellow is for warning! dont piss of this member
red is for to aviod this member becuase this guy has been banned once and would like to spam and flame again.
QUOTE(Mp)MinigameEast @ Apr 3 2006, 10:56 PM)
i dont like the 500 post thing.
how about 75 posts that actually count (null posts dont count)
how about change the green bars colors to different colors... depending on there mood.
blue is for the special people that supports the website
green is for that member being good.
yellow is for warning! dont piss of this member
red is for to aviod this member becuase this guy has been banned once and would like to spam and flame again.
Or what I like to call, The Proboards System!
i dont want v4 to turn into v5! keep member titles!
ok maybe 100 posts
I think it's fine the way it is... heck, even set it so you don't need any posts to change it, that way we don't have to deal with all the "How do I change my title????" posts.
QUOTE(Voyager7456(MM) @ Apr 4 2006, 02:11 PM)
I think it's fine the way it is... heck, even set it so you don't need any posts to change it, that way we don't have to deal with all the "How do I change my title????" posts.
i think that question should be in the faq and regulations anyway.

Um this is stupid. Just give people their titles. Its just stupid to say "Well you dont have some 100s of posts so you dont deserve some text under your avatar"
Really guys thats just.....retarded....