QUOTE(CaptainWill @ Apr 5 2006, 03:11 PM)
I've noticed that a lot of the topics in SD are of similar themes, and that some are even more or less duplicates of recent topics.
I would propose the splitting of SD into three boards:
1. Religion and Morality
2. War and Politics
3. Historical Discussion
The original SD would also be kept so that people can post topics which don't fit into the categories above.
I think that this system would have the following advantages:
1. People would know where to put their topics at a glance.
2. Duplicate topics can be spotted and killed quickly.
3. The board would be more organised and orderly.
4. People can quickly go to the forum which contains topics of interest to them. I for one am sick of topics involving religion, so I'd just avoid that forum.
I also think that Lite Discussion really needs its place defined a lot more clearly.
What does everybody else think?
I concur. (Especially about the religion topics, how I loathe them.)
QUOTE(dumbducky @ Apr 5 2006, 03:19 PM)
There are a lot of similar topics, but all those boards would be a headache. The reason I don't post in creative much is because I don't like clicking on that creative forum, then clicking the other forums.
Just click on the words underneath the main icon dude, you don't need to navigate through 2 pages. Failing that, use the dropdown list at the bottom.
QUOTE(DEAD @ Apr 5 2006, 03:20 PM)
I think it's a good idea, but war and politics usually merge with history stuff.
I don't like SD that much, because some people just use it to flame each other. I don't think that flame should be part of discussion at all, but the current state is something like this:
I think we should rather try to stop this nonsense because a Serious discussion should not contain any flame.

It shouldn't contain flame, but there's simple solutions to that. Namely that this system would rip out flame potential topics easy. Such as religious should get more mods, we don't want any "M<y God can kick the shiz out of your God."
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Apr 5 2006, 03:25 PM)
I agree about the Lite Discussion needing to be defined, but splitting SD into subforums just seems a bit.. hectic. I'm sure people can sort through the topics as-is.
Yes they can, but ask yourself... Do they want to?
QUOTE(CaptainWill @ Apr 5 2006, 03:57 PM)
Yeah, I was going to list some disadvantages too, but that wouldn't have suited my agenda.
Go Will!
QUOTE(Deathawk @ Apr 5 2006, 04:06 PM)
Maybe we could split them up, but still allow people to click on the main one, and view every topic? Maybe, we could put tags on them, or something, so users only see the topics with the [RELIGION] tags on them.
Bleh, that would be kinda hard to code into the core and would get confuseing for newer members. (Especially the stupid ones.)
QUOTE(Deathawk @ Apr 5 2006, 04:06 PM)
EDIT: There is two iPod threads -_-
That's just sad.
QUOTE(Golden-Fist @ Apr 5 2006, 05:03 PM)
I don't think SD is THAT active. If anything I would suggest a "Discussion" fourm with sub fourms:
War and Politics
Light Discussion.
As you can tell Discussion would combine Lite and Serious and then break them down. Sound like an ok idea?
This idea = even better. But wait 'till you see mine

- Completely eliminate Serious Discussion.
- Change the name of Light Discussion to just plain "Discussion" or "Geneal Discussion"
- Create several sub forums... War and Politics/History, Religious Debate, Offtopic Light Discussion, and Offtopic Serious Discussion.
- Give them all their own mods and rules, and watch them carefully.
This is the one that seperates mine from theirs. - As the Mensa/High Templar forum was, to the best of my knowledge, recently deleted. Change the "Offtopic Serious Discussion" subforum into something like that. You need a certain number of posts in the whole "General Discussion" area and/or the "Offtopic Serious Discussion" mods decide who can get in and have the ability to ban certain users from the sub-forum.
That, or let everyone in after a certain number of posts in the "General Discussion" and give the serious mods the ability to ban users from the serious forum.
I think 30-50 posts psots would suffice.