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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Commando Wars Reborn
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spartapirate on 2006-04-08 at 00:11:31

Commando Wars Reborn

A totally new Commando Wars map. Meant to bring new life to the classic game.
You start with four commandos and then you can upgrade them by taking them to specific places on the map. In the center of the map you can enter certain combinations of units to create stronger more powerful units. If all your units die, you will receive four commandos plus an additional commando for every 5 kills you have achieved

UPDATE: I'm Scraping the whole project and starting over because the map was way to large. It'll be another day or two before you see the beta again.

-New Highlights
• New Terrain entirely
• Some of the base units are the same, however, most will be different
• If you don't want a unit, you can change it back into commandos.
• Lots of combinations and secrets for you to find
• Protected bases entirely. (even if your ally decides in the middle of the game to un ally you)
• You win at 350 kills.

• Plenty of places to hide and seek wink.gif

-Unit placement
• Four teams
• Each team's base is split for safety from BS
• Each base is placed in a corner giving equality to each player

• Lots of Trigger work with all those secrets and extra features.
• I didn't like a lot of the comonations so I'm redoing them


• 2-8 players

-Map tileset
• Desert world (because you don't see a lot of those out there.)

-Map size
• Size: 128 X 128 (to compensate for 8 players)


user posted image

What's Left

• Everything

***If you have any Suggestions, Comments, or Snyde Remarks Plz Post a Reply tongue.gif***
***I have no clue who created the original because I've played so many versions. However, I'd like to give them credit for the amazing idea for a UMS.***

Made with Production Template (keep this link to help propagate this template or you get smitten!)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-04-08 at 00:12:56
That is a pretty saweet map, good!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lyon on 2006-04-08 at 01:22:15
Cool, i liked the Original commando wars. great map, i hope ya make this good, i'll be disappointed! XD
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kupo on 2006-04-08 at 01:52:25
I never played Commando Wars, hopefully your map is good enough to show what commando wars 1 was like.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spartapirate on 2006-04-08 at 02:07:18
If anyone has suggestions for names of the units or heros (all/any), I need suggestions.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2006-04-08 at 10:09:40
[quote=spartapirate,Apr 7 2006, 10:11 PM]
Commando Wars Reborn

A totally new Commando Wars map. Meant to bring new life to the classic game.
You start with four commandos and then you can upgrade them by taking them to specific places on the map. In the center of the map you can enter certain combinations of units to create stronger more powerful units. If all your units die, you will receive four commandos plus an additional commando for every 5 kills you have achieved

-New Highlights
• New Terrain entirely
• Some of the base units are the same, however, most will be different
• If you don't want a unit, you can change it back into commandos.
• Lots of combinations and secrets for you to find
• Protected bases entirely. (even if your ally decides in the middle of the game to un ally you)
• You win at 350 kills.

• Plenty of places to hide and seek wink.gif

-Unit placement
• Four teams
• Each team's base is split for safety
• Each base is placed in a corner giving equality to each player

• Lots of Trigger work with all those secrets and extra features.


• 2-8 players

-Map tileset
• Desert world (because you don't see a lot of those out there.)

-Map size
• Size: 192 X 192 (to compensate for 8 players)


user posted image

What's Left

• Some small trigger bugs
• The Tradeback system
• Balancing of most units
• Add more detailing Doodads
• Make it so that you cannot get kills from killing allied units.
• Release a Beta to happy.gif

***If you have any Suggestions, Comments, or Snyde Remarks Plz Post a Reply tongue.gif

Made with Production Template (keep this link to help propagate this template or you get smitten!)

Wow man. That looks awsome i love the layout and what you are doing. This will be an exciting map. Gj. Get it done wink.gif.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by VizuaL on 2006-04-08 at 15:56:09
looks a lil big to me.. but sweet
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spartapirate on 2006-04-11 at 23:07:31
I'm having a problem with triggering. Here's the outline:
- I have 4 teams of 2.
- score is based on kills of other players

I need to know how (if possible) to make it so a player will not get a kill count from killing an {allied player/teamed player} OR if there is some way to let the game know if a player's unit kills an opponent or ally.

I've looked at everything that I can think of. Any ideas?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shadow_Marine on 2006-04-12 at 10:57:59
QUOTE(VizuaL @ Apr 8 2006, 01:55 PM)
looks a lil big to me.. but sweet

well bigger is better smile.gif
ah the stop other players from feeding problem, i'm not entirely sure but couldn't you set up a trigger system set specifically for allys that deducts kills based on if you attack a certain player? ex: if player one attacks ally player 2 then subtract one kill point or don't add a kill point.
i'm pretty sure that would work if you had set alliances but you don't, i'm at school now but could it not be set up using switchs of sorts like if player 1 allys player 2 then switch 442 is activated or something like that. and the switch of course activates or deactivates a trigger that says something like this condition: always

action thingy: subtract 1 point for every unit you kill owned by player 2.
I have no idea if something like that would even work because I have not really used switchs that much. But hey I think I'll try the above myself when I get home.
Also if its wrong I appologize but right now it makes sense but I'll see what happens when I try it my self.
Yes I do also realize that I don't make maps my self but I do have a fair under standing of triggers and how they work.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spartapirate on 2006-04-12 at 17:04:44
Beta Released biggrin.gif (Bottom of first post) Have fun and let me know of anything to fix.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kupo on 2006-04-12 at 17:18:04
Ok i just played this map, i have many complaints.

Map is way to big, hard to find unit upgrades, and way to easy.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spartapirate on 2006-04-12 at 17:30:52
How many players did you have? I meant the design to be for at least six if not eight. Explain what do you mean by easy. Saying "way to easy" does not help me at all.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Shadow_Marine on 2006-04-12 at 18:17:25
I just had an idea, if you just want to stop them from feeding why dont you just set up auto ally and unally triggers, so if player one unallys player two in order to feed then player 2 is forced to unally player one. Of course you would have to use beacons and civilians to do this but it would solve your problem. Would that not work? I mean it defeats the purpose of feeding if they are both forced to attack each other right? as for manual feeding I know theres a trigger that stops a unit from attacking an allied unit, but I have only seen it in maps that use bullet reloading system to stop people from manually attacking enemy units. Try asking Dark_marine_123, he uses that type of system i believe.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by spartapirate on 2006-04-12 at 21:00:47
Hmmm.. I do have it so if you unally with a person you can't go into their base. I'll check it into what your saying about the other protection. I too have seen some maps with that protection. Thanks for the info, Shadow.

Addition: Kupo your right...WAAAYYY TO DANG BIG
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