im in the production of making a hunters duplicate but only this one will be on twinlight terrain the same 128x128 8 players map
i have recently begun production
expected finished by August
[sub]There is already a twilight verson of the Hunters. And you would be better off just opening the orignal hunters and changing it from jungle to twlight.[/sub]
I was about to post a link to a tileset changer here, but, I figured I shouldn't ruin his dreams of copying a map by -august- on twilight
i had abonded the idea anyway cing as tho ppl have told me it was already done...
but what ever someone can just destroy this anyway
This was going to take you several months? Try one night lol
lmao ....narr ive abandoned the idea to make this map now its not worth it
unless i change it to make and entirely different map
anyway the hunters copy is dead
smart ass.. i mean trashed..destroyed.. obliterated...u know deleted