We were in a bad situation at that time with oil, but we were secure with oil in the 90's.
So with your logic, it's okay for us to go into Iraq and destroy them, all for the Bush Oil Empirium?
Yeah, we defended a nation whos oil we depended on at the time.
We defended Kuwait because we turned our backs on Sadam, and to keep Kuwait from falling under his hands because then the price of Oil would be even higher. The Kuwaitians figured out how to drill diagnolly, so they started stealing Iraq Oil. Sadam asked if he invaded them, if we would interfere. We told him no. But we did anyways.
What are you talking about? The british and american air strikes neutralized biological and chemicle plants to prevent bio-warfare.
I've never heard of that. Care to give us unbiased sources?
Irrelevant to oil claims.
True. But if we gain a foothold in Afghanistan, we can smuggle Opium into the states and sell it for even more money, and then "spen" money on the "War on Drugs" illusion they have created. Do you honestly believe we are really fighting it? "Billions upon billions of dollars" are "spent towards the War On Drugs". Really? Why is there no progress? If that much money is really being spent towards it, then they could EASILY stop drugs. I laugh at you ignorant people.
Look at the first reply in the post. Also Note: Iraq serves no economical gain to the USA, it was our of pure national/inter-national security. If we were in it just for the oil, why would other countries be there also? They didn't need to come.
Other countries? What other countries? Britan? Hahahahaha! They are in there for Oil, too. It's quiet obvious. All the other countries left after we took Sadam out. But who stayed there? Two of the "world powers" Britain and America. America's excuse is to "establish a democracy" (Bullshiz) And what is Britians excuse?? Iraq IS AN OIL JACKPOT! How in the hell can they serve as no economical gain to us, when our farking president's father has an OIL EMPIRIUM?!
Please be quiet. You have no idea what you're talking about.