Report, edit, etc...Posted by @:@ on 2006-04-12 at 21:09:29
For one I'm not a wannabe. He personally told me to change my name. Being human has nothing to do with emo you stereotypical ignorent piece of shiz. Probably going to be suspended but you know what. fark you. I'm sorry that turning our backs on a country which has killed andharmed more people in the world then Hitler ever could have makes you cry. You seem more like an emo then anyone of else here at sen.
Grats on closing your topic thinking it would end our conversation. I'm not a worthless piece of shiz to actually report people on these boards. However, you closing your own topic so I could easily make fun of your post only shows your immaturity and your comment "[our] country which has killed and harmed more people in the world then Hitler ever could" only proves you are the staturing figure of an emo.
How dare you call me an emo, do you even know what one is?
I actually love my country, my life and I love everything that this country has done and will do in the future.
I like.. "more people in the world then Hitler ever could" way to dig yourself in a debate hole. Lol
Report, edit, etc...Posted by BeeR_KeG on 2006-04-12 at 21:22:05
He's been dealt with.
If you want to continue this, use PM's, the boards are not for singled out discussions.