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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Rush Trailer!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2006-04-17 at 01:15:04
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2006-04-17 at 08:23:37
Sorry Tux. You can have a news post for the map, but not the trailer. tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by dumbducky on 2006-04-17 at 08:38:25
It shows this topic as the last posted in topic in the News forum. Is that supposed to happen?

I can't find my Broodwar CD at the moment so can you tell me what it's actually about?

Nevermind, I found the the old in production thread. I also noticed on April 7th, 2005 you said you would be done in a few days.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by FizzleBoink on 2006-04-17 at 09:00:27
Amazing trailer Tux! One word for it omfgthatwasfuxenawesomeicannotwaittoplayitomfgwtf cool1.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-04-17 at 09:20:15
More maps, less trailers -_-
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dark_lunatic_K on 2006-04-17 at 12:08:44
If I'm correct, this is the once known A&O map he was working on, followed by the famous A&O Trailer. Tuxedo-Templar will finish this map for sure tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kumano on 2006-04-17 at 12:39:19
If I remember correctly he said that the gameplay was similar to it, but I'm pretty sure the storyline is completely different considering the differences in the 2 trailers.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2006-04-17 at 13:24:41
Oh come on moose I'm not gonna be here much longer. How often do you see me post updates on my stuff lately anyway?

I'll go ahead and make a seperate thread in the map releases folder, though, if that's where it belongs.

And yes, Rush is what A&O was going to be sans the storyline. Actually I plan on using A&O's story for a seperate project I'm working on, considering how good it is (at least, how good I think it is).

More maps, less trailers -_-
Rest assured I've made more maps than you can imagine possible for one person. Don't worry I'll have this one finished. I'd just like to advertise it a bit first considering it's not exactly the kind of map that will spread quickly over bnet by itself (high file size and only one extra player slot). Hence this thread.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Lyon on 2006-04-17 at 13:29:25
QUOTE(Tuxedo Templar @ Apr 17 2006, 01:24 PM)
Oh come on moose I'm not gonna be here much longer.

What do you mean by that? cry.gif
SEN Needs more of your movies! biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by WoodenFire on 2006-04-17 at 13:41:40
Movies are one thing. Gameplay and application are completely different.

I expect great things from this. Hopefully you can fullfill them in the finished version.

You got my support. If you need any extended terrain custom just for your map, just give me a ring.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2006-04-17 at 14:52:07
Whoa moose moved this thread here? Shoot I thought it was still sitting unvalidated in the news forum lol.

Well now there's two trailer threads tongue.gif. More publicity I suppose.

And no mapping help needed at this point, but thanks for the offer. I'll probably need beta testing help soon, though.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by dumbducky on 2006-04-17 at 15:26:25
Can I beta test?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2006-04-17 at 15:29:27
Sure when it's ready. Might take a few weeks though, as I want to have it basically done before testing begins.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kupo on 2006-04-17 at 15:30:33
the rush trailor 1 owns, goodjob on it tux, always been a fan of yours.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2006-04-17 at 15:31:33
Thanks. Glad you liked it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Excalibur on 2006-04-17 at 15:32:33
Why the great Tuxlar once again rises. Its good to see you up and about, and making a map no less.

Anyway just want to say im a big fan and i look foward to this.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Tuxedo Templar on 2006-04-17 at 15:39:03
QUOTE(S.T.A.R.S-Legacy @ Apr 17 2006, 02:32 PM)
Why the great Tuxlar once again rises. Its good to see you up and about, and making a map no less.

Anyway just want to say im a big fan and i look foward to this.


Yeah I said I'd come back... eventually. Didn't think it'd take this long though lol.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by CloakEnix on 2006-04-17 at 16:14:15
The trailer is like A&O.. their the same map right?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by scwizard on 2006-04-17 at 16:17:51
I had to blink a few times before I belived my own eyes.

Does this mean your going to tell me why you havn't anwsered my emails now...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dark_Marine_123 on 2006-04-17 at 17:37:40
That A&O trailer just runs around these days...with all of its sexy Tux leetness on it tongue.gif...(BTW: Fire fighters is still my favorite map by you ;P)

So with that said, i hope you finish this so i dont have to watch it again O_O (And if you got room for a beta tester who is more than fairly active, call upon teh rine ;D)

And BTW, you should make action movies to go along with your comedy ones, you do a damn fine job O.O
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kumano on 2006-04-17 at 20:32:54
QUOTE(CloakEnix @ Apr 17 2006, 12:13 PM)
The trailer is like A&O.. their the same map right?

And yes, Rush is what A&O was going to be sans the storyline. Actually I plan on using A&O's story for a seperate project I'm working on, considering how good it is (at least, how good I think it is).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Moogle on 2006-04-17 at 21:29:48
Tux, BOOYAA OWNAGE SIMPLE OWNAGE. Can't wait for map come out trailer just owns mate! gogogo rush~

Report, edit, etc...Posted by VizuaL on 2006-04-18 at 17:24:01

way better then A&O
GJ i cant wait to see this map

Report, edit, etc...Posted by Caboose on 2006-04-20 at 16:08:01
Frickin' awesome, can't wait until this map is out. ohmy.gif

If you need beta testers, message Booser on USEast/West. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Biggest_SOB on 2006-05-07 at 14:02:17
I would like to beta test...when it's ready!!
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