In response to MA's link..
3. We are winning the war in Iraq and, as I write this, Jawad al-Maliki, an experienced political operator and advocate for Iraq's Shiite Muslims, has won the approval of Shiite party leaders for the post of prime minister. This move could end the political paralysis that has gripped Iraq since national elections were held on Dec. 15.
I like how this just assumes that "we are winning the war in Iraq" and then goes off on a six paragraph harangue of "boohoo, liberals stole my lollipop" rhetoric. Meaningless, trite, deceptive, or any other adjectives or perjoratives you may prefer. The "liberal media" angle is played out here once again, with whatever shreds of credibility said angle still has after 40 years of service in the conservative arsenal of accusations.
Then the writer goes on to use as examples the Patriot Act and the NSA “spying.” Most such anti-war letters also imply that this is a war for oil. Don’t these writers ever stop to think that if we had already won all this imaginary oil, would not our gasoline prices be back to one dollar a gallon, instead of three?
The article already states that we have "won." If this were true, then yes, perhaps they would be back to the region of a dollar. However, they don't give any evidence of us having "won." If U.S. forces are still there, and car bombs are still going off, and there are Iraqi police putting down civilians with firearms, then we probably have not "won." Here, they're just going through the motions that the average flag-waving idiot gobbles right up.
And is it just me, or did you not just lock the 'Biased Media' thread, and then posted that link?