The Automodder has Arrived... (sort of)Since March 23rd, the extremely wanted "automodder", or, now to be known as
SCMLoader, has been released(or updated) by ShadowFlare.
I've made a new MPQDraft plugin which allows some mods to be loaded from Starcraft maps. While it doesn't make all mods possible this way, it does at least work for some, including modifying any of the .dat files and sound effects/music, plus other files, too.
It does exactly what it was meant to do-- load modifications directly from maps.
Currently, it is only available for PC users, and loads SOME files. Those who havn't made mods may want to learn how soon, because I think this will be a hit.
QUOTE(Readme beginning)
This is a plugin for MPQDraft. It allows certain modified Starcraft data files to be loaded from Starcraft maps instead of just preloaded mpq archives.
SCMLoader can be downloaded at ShadowFlare's website.Note regarding
BTW, this plugin does work on, although you will probably get desynced from the game if there are changes to the .dat files or other gameplay-affecting files if the other players are not using the plugin, too. I am going to later add a feature that will help counteract this by making it so map creators can force users of their map to use the plugin if they want to play the map.
----------------On another note, Map Night is also tonight. Have fun mapp... modding!
This isn't exactly the function of the automodder, but it sounds pretty close.
I smell a new patch. We all know Blizzard doesn't like manipulation of data nor introduction of new data on
This sounds pretty cool. But yeah, Blizzard is evil like that
Yay, I may win my bet on 1.13Z patch coming out.
They may just start massive bannings for those who use it.
QUOTE(LegacyWeapon @ Apr 22 2006, 01:58 PM)
They may just start massive bannings for those who use it.
no, i think blizzard has a very tiwsted mind, they will first release a patch and if it remakes they will start with the bannings, i have no idea what this does but it sounds great
They may just start massive bannings for those who use it.
Blizzard knows no better than to ban elite modders!
Just a question, but if they ban you, they ban your account and your cd key, and if that's the case, what happens to your account, can you get it back or something?
And finally, I'm guessing within 10 days 1.13g comes out.
I don't think this is something Blizzard can patch. It does exactly what automodder was planned to do.
Edit arr\units.dat, import it into a map, and that map will load the new units.dat, only when the map is played. Playing with users without the patch on a non-modded map will not drop you.
Blizzard can patch pretty much anything, especially this. You are importing a new units.dat, which means that you've modified something, meaning that a possible security threat may be present.
This patch would be simple, it'll disallow the changing of any file, if a change occurs, the game will most probably crash everyone.
So this is basically a new way of using EUDs on StarCraft?
Much more powerful and static. EUDs will change with patches as memory locations change. Changing an actual file that SC draws its info from, will remain constant and have less side effects.
But EUD's had more options. IT could Change Cooldown...not just change it from the start, unchangeable.
Now let me get this straight.
You make a modded map. You load SCMLoader, and playing your map will let you play the modded version of it. Am I right?
If so, I need to learn to mod.
If this doesn't get patched.. Look out any other game there is in the world, SC is first!
Yay! Maybe this will encourage all you UMS guys to learn modding!
...even though this has been out for a while...
It is 3rd party, and if it becomes a problem in any way I'm sure Blizzard will try and do something about it. That, or if any stupid SEN haters or idiot griefers trumpet their paranoia to Blizzard to the same effect (didn't ever expect to watch people of the same community turn on us like during that EUD fiasco at the forums). I also blame the industry paranoia about that GTA Hot Coffee mod for Blizzard's decision back then.
But I think they might have cooled down by now. I see no reason they should care too much if it doesn't cause any real problems. It's not like it's something that is built into their game; it's something from the outside that modifies memory on the inside. Very useful, in the right hands. If I were to still do part 2 of Rush, I might use it (not ruling it out).
If a simple EUD trigger could carry viruses via maps, I don't even want to imagine what could be done with this thing
Well.. I assume it works something like you have to put the .mpq file into the .scx/.scm archive and then this device 'unzips' it.. if it does that, it can also unzip a virus sent. I could be wrong about how it works, though.
I don't know how Blizzard would patch it. I don't think there is a way. I can't really go into how I believe it works(because not even Shadowflare will say how), but I'm fairly sure that she didn't mess with any SC code. The only things left to work out are button/tech tree patching(which she and I are working on by integrating Firegraft into it) and the files like images.dat and iscript.bin, which can't as of yet be loaded. However, I'm also trying to help figure out those files. I would suggest that UMS Mappers use this to the greatest of it's extent. As of right now, it is perfectly safe. There isn't anything malicious that can be done with it.
Great news, DoA.
But am I to understand that you couldn't make new iscripts into maps with this yet? Because that was the only thing I was hopping for it. Being able to make your own iscripts into maps would lead us into a new golden age of RPGs and possibly other sexually made UMS. And I had a perfect use for iscripting into maps, too
Oh well, I guess it's just not the time for a jumping sidescroller yet...
Well, time for me to learn to mod.
that was like 30 million ms lag right there...
QUOTE(Centreri @ Apr 22 2006, 05:09 PM)
Well.. I assume it works something like you have to put the .mpq file into the .scx/.scm archive and then this device 'unzips' it.. if it does that, it can also unzip a virus sent. I could be wrong about how it works, though.
Yes, you are completely wrong
the actual way it works is alot differant then that,
it sets the priority level of the maps to higher then installe.exe->stardat.mpq->broodat.mpq->patch_rt.mpq
and makes it read it as installe.exe->stardat.mpq->broodat.mpq->patch_rt.mpq->Map.scm/scx
In other words, it forces starcraft to read the files in the map OVER the default mpq files