I was really bored and I've been looking for a quickly project to get me back into C#, so I wrote this up fairly quickly. It's not done and my final version will use a text system to store everything. I also lost all my work getting VC2005 Express C++ working with mpq's so I decided to just write a simple application.
What is this basic program?It basically is a Trigger Editor. A 3rd party trigger editor like Trigedit but a bit easier. You can then just copy and paste the code right into trigedit and click compile. Also has a save\load feature with files(to load up and save code).
It's simple you click on new trigger, it will automatically write in new trigger text. You can drag a condition over and put it where you want it. It will also display the trigger format on the bottom. It is still in all complete text and same syntax as Trigedit. To compile just copy it all over to Trigedit and click compile.
Also the interface is far from done, I'm gonna look to end up including a list of Condtions\Actions\Units&Buildings\Comparisions\Ai Scripts\Score Types\States\Alliance Status\Movement Types\States\Resource Types\Players\etc.. similar to how Starforge does it or a different method whatever I can get working with my limited knowledge of C# and without giving me a headache. I'm overall just hoping to make something that will hold over until a better trigedit is released.
I know it's not all that usefull right now, but hopefully later versions should prove to be something, just give me some ideas on the interface and I'll look into them.
Current Problems\Incompletions:-Players Button does nothing
-Drag and Dropping inside the text editor is a bit messed up.
-Checkmark does nothing
-Lines with more than one condition\action will not have a proper display format on the bottom(Happens with Starforge aswell)
requires the .NET Framework 2.0There shouldn't be any other problems than those. It's an extremely small download(minus the 20meg .net framework)