I just got online and read my posts for my RPG which I am making called Crescent Dyne and I noticed that my warn was 0% yesterday, and 80% today...
How could this be?
Lets take a look at my log...
How is this
Justified? Please EnLIGHTEN ME ADMINISTRATIOn... I Don't ask much from you... eVer? If you don't like Warn logs being displayed, I will remove it? I am not sure this is funny to me or you or something? I am greatly confused.
Mini Moose 2707 Warned on Yesterday, 03:10 PM
Added to warn level Why the crap was his warn level reset?
Mini Moose 2707 Warned on Yesterday, 03:10 PM
Added to warn level Why the crap was his warn level reset?
Mini Moose 2707 Warned on Yesterday, 03:10 PM
Added to warn level Why the crap was his warn level reset?
Mini Moose 2707 Warned on Yesterday, 03:10 PM
Added to warn level Why the crap was his warn level reset?
Mini Moose 2707 Warned on Apr 14 2006, 08:17 AM
No change to warn level
QUOTE(WoodenFire @ Apr 13 2006, 05:41 PM)
Clan Oo isn't all that expereicned with making big projects so you can keep to your little baby Bound maps.
Flaming, verbally warned.
Moogle Warned on Apr 9 2006, 01:52 PM
Removed from warn level -20% Clean Slake
Moogle Warned on Apr 9 2006, 01:52 PM
Removed from warn level -20% Clean Slake
Moogle Warned on Apr 9 2006, 01:52 PM
Removed from warn level -20% Clean Slake
Moogle Warned on Apr 9 2006, 01:48 PM
Removed from warn level Happy Easter 20% Decrease in Warn!
Moogle Warned on Apr 7 2006, 02:36 PM
Added to warn level Being arrogant towards others, thinking your all kickass! think again this real world!
LegacyWeapon Warned on Jan 5 2006, 04:43 PM
Added to warn level
QUOTE(WoodenFire @ Jan 5 2006, 04:30 PM)
This map looks really lame.
Rantent Warned on Dec 2 2005, 12:11 AM
Added to warn level
You are both Newbs. Complete Newbs. Newbs. Newb. Noobs. No0Bs.
+ Flaming.
Mini Moose 2707 Warned on Oct 6 2005, 01:01 PM
Added to warn level "You are a nub. Stop posting on SEN."
Removed 50 Minerals.
Your warn level was 80%, then Moogle reset it (for no reason?), so Moose put it back to the original value.
Boo, hoo.
I got banned for flaming. Cry
It was because the previous warns were from a year ago... I didn't even remember what they were from? How is that not Innocent?
Quit. Your. b***hing.
Before I got banned, I had a warn from May. When I joined.
It never went down.
Stfu already.
Warn levels are not reset unless you reach 100%. It doesn't matter if the warns are from a year ago or not, if you don't get any new warns, it shouldn't matter.
QUOTE(Voyager7456(MM) @ May 2 2006, 02:28 PM)
Warn levels are not reset unless you reach 100%. It doesn't matter if the warns are from a year ago or not, if you don't get any new warns, it shouldn't matter.
That's not true. Mine were never reset.
But it doesn't matter. Quit your whining already. It get's you nowhere
Kellimus, all you do is hang around posts you think you can get away with flamming on... your flamming right now...
I would like a justification of why my warn was raised 80% when I was asleep and why Moogle pre-maturally resetting my Warns from a year before has anything to do with that justification you think you can make.
The justification is that your warn level was NOT raised, it was simply reset to the value it had before it was reset.
If telling you the truth of the situation is a flame, then everyone will be considered a flamer.
It's not my fault that you're whining about an Admin boosting your level back up to what it was before "Moogle" (Most likely Zombie) took it down.
So just shut up already about this. There is no point claiming that Moose abused his power.
It only get's you banned.
Seriously, why the hell do you have to make a topic about it? Do you think you are cool or what? Why can't you just simply PM Moose about it, instead of just trying to show your tough by posting this kind of topic..honestly.
You're just following in my footsteps.
It's not nice you know.
Seems very immature and awkward to me.
If you had a problem with moogle resetting my Warns which I forgot about from not going on SEN for a long time why didn't Moose just ask him and Personal Message me?
A personal msg would of been nice.
QUOTE(WoodenFire @ May 2 2006, 02:35 PM)
Seems very immature and awkward to me.
If you had a problem with moogle resetting my Warns which I forgot about from not going on SEN for a long time why didn't Moose just ask him and Personal Message me?
A personal msg would of been nice.
You are b***hing and moaning over NOTHING.
It's quite annoying.
And it wasn't Moogle. It was probibly Zombie.
Why would Zombie be able to decrease warn levels? Also, like others have said, Mini Moose 2707 put the warn levels back because they are not supposed to decrease. Moogle was new to moderating so I guess he didn't know.
Its only annoying because you choose to continue to entertain yourself on this fustration...
You are a jerk Kellimus.
I would prefer an answer from Minimoose that isn't as lame as yours... which I probably won't get because he doesn't know why he did it either?
I am very confused on this...
Addtion: ok that makes a little more sense to me HahaBoomguy
Zombie hacked Moogle.
That's how.
Moogle was not supposed to have reset your warn level. FYI, he told me that he did it as a joke, was going to put it back, and forgot to (and was removed before he could, anyway).
Your warns could be from 5 years ago, they still stand.
Actually, I talked to him before he reduced my warns...
Your not aloud to reduce warns on SEN? How unforgiving...
QUOTE(WoodenFire @ May 2 2006, 02:39 PM)
Its only annoying because you choose to continue to entertain yourself on this fustration...
You are a jerk Kellimus.
I would prefer an answer from Minimoose that isn't as lame as yours... which I probably won't get because he doesn't know why he did it either?
I am very confused on this...
Addtion: ok that makes a little more sense to me HahaBoomguy
Okay.. You call me a flamer because i'm telling you how it is, but you call me a jerk. Do I smell hypocricy?
And it's not my fault that the truth hurts you Wooden. Take some critisism for once, jesus
How is Kell not getting banned perminantly? He acts like a rudimentry flammer...
Ok, that helps a little... It was a joke? I can't remember the day too well... it was like 5.001 years ago...
Addition: Kellimus... im noticing u use the phrase "Im just telling you how it is/ truth" as your Protection from being labled as a flammer. How childish and decieving to even the admins!? Kool.
I can't really tell you what was running through Moogle's mind, I'm not Moogle. But I can tell you there's no reason anyone's warn level would ever drop 80% besides hitting 100%. (nobody's ever gotten more than 20% for doing something cool)
QUOTE(WoodenFire @ May 2 2006, 02:44 PM)
How is Kell not getting banned perminantly? He acts like a rudimentry flammer...
Ok, that helps a little... It was a joke? I can't remember the day too well... it was like 5.001 years ago...
Addition: Kellimus... im noticing u use the phrase "Im just telling you how it is/ truth" as your Protection from being labled as a flammer. How childish and decieving to even the admins!? Kool.
Telling you that you're whining over nothing is flame?
Omg, get over yourself.
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ May 2 2006, 02:46 PM)
I can't really tell you what was running through Moogle's mind, I'm not Moogle.
But maybe you are Moogle in disguise.. O.o... It's Moogle. He is Aussie. That explains everything

I still belive that the way you handled the 'minor-situation' was immature and uncalled for. You could of just PMed me the confusion and THEN incrased it up...
Still rediculous.
AND i believe that making this thread was a GOOD idea because obviously I wouldn't get thru to any1 with something like "mini... uh, wut happened?" This is not the 'wrong' move on my part.
QUOTE(WoodenFire @ May 2 2006, 02:48 PM)
I still belive that the way you handled the 'minor-situation' was immature and uncalled for. You could of just PMed me the confusion and THEN incrased it up...
Still rediculous.
And instead of complaining, and making this thread, you could have easily PMed Moose with your question, and had it explained to you without critisism (Since you seem to not be able to take it) from other members