Right now it's in it's early beta stages. I might have to change it drastically:
Size: 128x128
Tileset: Iceworld
Player: 4
Workers can still press "stop" when stacked to reach mineral only. No point is having minerals to stop a CC in my opinion. Bases are REALLY close together. Especially the naturals. I would guess Terran have an advantage in PvT because of this.
Ok, i added another entrance into each player's minonly and removed that minblock. I'll see what I can do about the bases being too close together sometime later.
looks nice but i got a dumb question, how do you get an Overhead screenshot like that?
Saved the picture with SCMdraft. It saves it as a .bmp file. Then you use some imaging program (like photoshop or irfan, but NOT paint) and resize it and convert it to paint. I prefer this method over the picture generator because it gives more detail into the map and doesn't cut off doodads.
Hm, for some reason, it reminds me of gaia a lot.
Very nicely deco'd, as usual MA ;P
I like the top right bottom left island exps, and I'd like to see how the min only expo placement will go in game.
This map has been deleted.
And is renamed (4)Breath of Life