To Decide
This is a DBZ Budokai style of map; however, lot more complex. The fighting style is same however, the spells look nicer, and are more unique.
The ideas are done; however, i do need serious help on name and storyline or atleast some of thoes things.
-Unit placement•50%
Even though it is more complex triggering, budokai map style is always easier.
-Players•6 Humans
•2 Comps
-Map tileset•Twilight
-Map size•64x64
Storyline / Introduction
As said it would be somewhat of elemental gods vs each other. I need some serious help on testing, and naming.
-Player Interface•3v3
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?•More complex type of moves, with some speical effect like things.
-Characters•Need Help
-Spells•Each character has 4 spells
•One speical spell thats extremely unique
Screenshots / Demo
•Coming Soon
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