How do I host the games I make with SCMDRAFT 2?? Please respond to this post derrogitory comments plz!!
You host them in the exact same way you would host any other map....
Hmm.... Your jokeing right?
If not you make the game like any other.. Except if you made the map from scrats then its not in the download its with the other stupid bliz maps
Suggestion: Make a seperate folder for your own work. That way you don't have to scroll down all those pointless blizzard maps.
Thats the problem...I can't host them...they don't appear on the big list of maps...If I made my own folder for my own maps would that be fixed??
Put your folder here:
Local Drive>Program Files>Starcraft>Maps>[your folder]
You can only select maps that are in your maps folder. I think blizzard did this to keep idiots from wandering out of the maps folder and not have any idea where they are going.
lol i just make MILLIONS of folders that say = Download (then a #)
I had a similar problem like this. While i was testing a map i couldnt host anything on B-net. When i came to create and browes the selected map all maps wasnt there. Not even a folder. The only thing that i saw, was Folder Broodwar Maps. It was completely empty. Not even up one lvl folder. I have no clue how i fixed but all i did was went in to ayn editor or the c:drive then added an extra folder. Then when i came to test the map that folder apperared in the Broodwar Maps Folder. It was still empty put when i clicked it, it brought me to the Maps folder, wehre all the maps are loccated as wel as the downlaods and others maps.