[center]Who woulda thought, me making a Pac-Man map... *looks at sig and avatar*
In 1980, Namco created a character that was small, round and yellow. It's mouth consisted of a piece cut out of the main circle, like a slice of cake. Pac-Man was born.
This is going to be based off the original classic arcade pac-man as much as possible.
-Players•Four Player Game
-Map tileset•Badlands
-Map size•64x64
-Player Interface (Updated, 5-20-06)•Four Player Game, with many options
-Free for All: Everyone goes seperately and is against each other, and you have a time limit.
-Co-op: 2v2 Blowout! The two teams go at seperate times but both players in each team go at the same time. (1P+2P, 3P+4P)
-Chase the Bonus: A random bonus is randomly moved across the Pac-Man arena! First one to catch it while avoiding the ghosts gets the bonus points!
-Split: The battlefield is split right down the middle and the fastest one to clear all the dots on their side wins!
-Flipped: Each Player is a ghost and there is a comp pac-man!
-Capture the Energizer: Free for all where each Pac-man gets a corner with their own energizer and must protect it at all costs!
Since so many suggestions come to this and it does seem logical, there will be no physical attacking in this game. All trigger done!
Voting system on to which option to do next! (3/4 required to play, Compromise!)
Ghosts are triggered for random Junk-yard dog roaming and attacking and have their own AI Movement Patterns like in the real thing!
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?•Many options of Pac-Man that do include the original sounds!
-Characters•Pac-Man - Ling
•Dots - Spidermines
•Energizers - Missile Turrets
•Blinky - DT
•Pinky - zlot
•Inky - fbat
•Clyde - HT
-BonusesEach Fruit will determine the level status, and get you bonus points.
•Cherry - 100
•Strawberry - 300
•Peach - 500
•Apple - 700
•Grapes - 1000
•Galaxian - 2000
•Bell - 3000
•Key - 5000
-Specialties (Updated, 5-20-06)These are the ghosts abilities that will happen randomly during the game and last very shortly:
•Blinky - Invinsible•Pinky - Speed Boost•Inky - Sets Ink•Clyde - Clones himself
Screenshots / Demos (Updated, 5-20-06)
empt[y] Presents...Real FinalSorry for the low-quality pictures, best I could do
BETA release date: Mid-June '06
Made with Production Template[/center]