"Offending" Moderator:
Mini Moose 2707
Disagreement: Mini Moose 2707 recently closed a thread i made
Here, and commented with this,
"Please don't advertise your clan here. Feel free to unlock the topic if you remove your other agenda."
(He explained he wouldn't allow Clan advertising, but what graciously accept the tutorials on the site.) We now have a thread at CreepColony.com
Here. The rules say members can have only "One Forum" not only one thread. Please don't use it against me. I know we have 2 great admins here and that they are "Supreme", but we need to follow the owner of this sites rules, Yoshi Da Sniper. Hopefully, this is not a dictatorship where only one person's word goes. I feel the Owner of this site should have the final word on how this is played, for he is the most honorable.
Note: Mini Moose 2707 is a great moderator, but I felt he has made a serious mistake. Here is evidence that Yoshi and this site were never against clan advertising.
If your topic has the subject or text of any of the following, then you may get a warn level increase or a suspention.
Staredit Network is a community of purely map making, and intellectual discussion. Its been going deeper and deeper down the drain as less constructive topics take shape. The sites ideals are no fighting, and to co-operate.
If the poll or question can easily be answered by looking into peoples profiles - Including, gateway, birthday, username, etc. It is up to the user to fill in any contact or profile details. If they do not, you may PM them and ask them to do so.
Harrassment to other users - If your post is purely flaming or harrassing another user, is a no no. Seriously, there is no reason to do this. Even if the other person is the one who is acting like their shoe size, theres no reason you should join them. Respect everyone and they will respect you.
Sexual - Any references to anything sexual, is now out of the question. There is no reason content like this should be on a STARCRAFT MAP MAKING SITE, so you can go google whatever floats your boat on your own time. We don't need to hear about it here.
If you can't debate properly, don't do it at all - If you are easily offended by someone disagreeing to your ideals, then don't bother stepping into the Serious forum. If you want a pat on the back for everything you say, don't come here at all. Someone will always disagree with you.
If you're angry, don't turn on your computer - There are real people viewing these forums. Be considerate, because they are all real. They aren't people who come here to read your anger posts.
If you got something to say, back it up with reason - Don't say, I love milk. Because no one cares. Say, I love milk because its good for your bones.
If you have a question, provide a lot of information so others can help you - Don't ask, how to download. Ask, How to download starcraft maps from the downloads database and play them with starcraft.
Don't repeat topics - Take a quick scan of the forum, make sure that you aren't repeating the same topic. Even if a topic is remotely simular, you can use the one.
Pay close attention to sticky topics, forum rules (at the top of the forum index you are viewing), and new topic/reply guidelines - EXPECIALLY when you are new, you want to do this. If you already read them, then skim through it every once in a while just to see if it wasn't updated. Most importantly this includes the FAQ Forum in which you are reading right now.
As always, please keep reporting all posts that you deem as not belonging here. -Yoshi Da Sniper
This never says that clan advertising is not allowed above. He also says he does not want posts that are
not constructive. My post advertising my clan had decent tutorials and promoted map-making, tutorial writing, map-testing, UMS playing, Melee playing, and many more aspects of making our StarCraft forums a more "Constructive" enviroment.
Also, StarEdit.net supports clans that are not affiliated with them. Examples are Clan uUu, Clan aE, Clan oO, Clan MM, and Clan Mp). They so much have forums while I am simply asking for a
thread. Another fact is that Clan TA & Clan UOU had a thread set up in the Null section as well, and they were never asked not to "not advertise their clan". The only possible reason I could think of for Mini Moose locking my thread if for clan prejudice. Yoshi Da Sniper once liked the same Clan (MC) so much he set up a forum for them. I only want a thread unlocked. My Clan recently merged with Clan TA to support productivity. Hopefully, it will continue to do so with other great clans like Clan tR.
I wish he would reconsider because my love for StarCraft is as great as his.