QUOTE(JoJo. @ May 18 2006, 01:14 PM)
Alright, it seems I must invent a story to blow the minds of all mappers!
NAMES: I don't think you need them for your leaders but a villian? Jedra (jay-druh)
PAST PLOT EVENTS: A small town was beggining to develope throughout the tropical forests and island passages of the Continent Azurune (Good name?) Named after the sky that waves the message of faith to the inhabitants of the lands. Small threats of goblins, trolls, and chimeras have always been about the island, but soon the forces seem to become assembled and start raiding the villages in massive numbers. Herds and tribes of hostile minions begin acting suspicous.
PRESENT PLOT EVENTS: Jedra is an man in his 30's and depends on every bit of suprise to win his battles if not brute force. The town defends a short time before Jedra sends his new minions to destroy the village and seal the fate for saving a new technology within the town and ultimately letting Jedra sieze control of all Azurune.
FUTURE PLOT EVENTS (Ending): Jedra attacks with his most formiddable troops and siezes the new technology, if you win the map you defeat Jedra and stop him from taking over Azurune.
Whats the new technology? Get to the end of "Fusioners Defence 2" to find out!
IMO the map wasn't bad, just immensely hard to start with few players. However once you had a bit of a defense going it was fun. Perhaps you could base game difficulty on player count, much like Mage RPG...I think that would make the game alot better or at least make it so you don't have to deal with mobs the instant the game starts. But I absolutely LOVED the idea of fusing, quite original.