QUOTE(Toothfariy @ May 24 2006, 01:14 PM)
im gona guess by ur avatar, you like the old school things?
Noooooooooooooooooooo. Really?! -_-
Old School music is the only REAL music.
QUOTE(Demaris @ May 24 2006, 05:16 PM)
I like my Industrial.
Industrial Rock? Industrial Electronic? Which Industrial?
QUOTE(Golden-Fist @ May 24 2006, 06:40 PM)
"Rock" is very broad.
You can label Blues, Metal, Metal Rap, and other types of guitar using music as rock. Eric Clapton could be labeled rock. Allman brothers could be labeled rock. Basically meaning that Rock has been the mainstream genre since the beatles (who suck).
Rock has been the mainstream music since Elvis, thank you.
And the Beatles don't suck. They are bad (Cool) as hell. They implemented so much crap into their songs, it's unbelievable. That's why they are PSYCHEDELIC Rock -_- They experimented with so many different techniques.. We wouldn't have as many genre's we have now, if it wasn't for their experimentation.
Same with Pink Floyd.