sorry i mispelled it.. its Burrow
i've been trying for ahwile... does anyone know how???
if you do ... tell me please...
Could you please explain furthur what you are asking? In map-making you can make a burrowed unit unburrow by triggers if that's what you mean.
no i know how to do that, i mean .. to effect them
for example:
say you have a lurker, its unburrowed, and you burrow it , so it creates a bunker after you move it as unburrowed.
Well, you can't create a building on top of a burrowed unit... But yes, triggers do effect burrowed units.
Method 1: It should be similar to those defense maps where an scv builds someting than it is removed and something is placed their. Current player builds one "--", remove one "--" and place "--".
Method 2: You could you a location where if the lurker moves in it something is built.