I need to select 1 player out of 6 possible. Not all players may be in game.
No, ramdom start location won't work. No, mooving through a field of junk yard dog units won't help allso. I need to do it with switches and 1 preplaced unit (to tell is the player in game)
Note: the unit "Fate" is placed by default to determine is the player in game
I'm doing this:
Main randomize Trigger
Conditions: switch "randomize" is cleared
Actions: randomize "switch1"
randomize "switch2"
randomize "switch3"
set "randomize"
preserve trigger
Player 1 not in game
Conditions: the combination of those 3 switches
player 1 commands exactly 0 Fate
Actions: clear "randomize"
preserve trigger
Player 1 selected
Conditions: the combination of those 3 switches
player 1 commands atleast 1 Fate
Actions: set "player 1 selected"
Player 2 not in game
Conditions: the combination of those 3 switches
player 2 commands exactly 0 Fate
Actions: clear "randomize"
preserve trigger
Player 2 selected
Conditions: the combination of those 3 switches
player 2 commands atleast 1 Fate
Actions: set "player 2 selected"
And so on for all 6 players + the 2 triggers that remoove the 2 unneeded/unused combinations.
When I'm testing it in single player, it randomizes those switches 1-7 (usually) times & then stops.
Can someone tell me what can be wrong ? Thanks