Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Concepts -> Sweet Catapult System
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JoJo. on 2006-05-22 at 16:52:15
Ok so heres the system, a location follows a siege tank and whenever the tank sieges a corsair appears above the tank, you can either bring units to the carapult and fire them by dist. webbing somewhere or have your own special kind of unit appear at the dist. webbing. Heres the trigg

¤ P1 (he owns tank)
¤ P1 owns 1 sieged siege tank Loc1
¤ Creat Corsair at Loc1

you also need this trigger,

Location Follow Trigger
¤ P1
¤ always
¤ move Loc1 at anywhere to Siege tank owned by P1
¤ PreserveTrigg

Then just the firing system,

¤ P1
¤ P12 brings addleast1 Dist. web anywhere
¤ Move Loc2 at anywhere to Dist. Web owned by P12
¤ Move all men at Loc1 to Loc2
¤ -OR-
¤ Create1 battlecruiser at loc2 owned by P12
¤ Kill all men owned by anyplayer at Loc2
¤ -ALSO-
¤ Kill sieged siege tank at Loc1 for P1
¤ Remove P1 Corsair at Loc1
¤ Create siege tank at Loc1 for P1

The -ALSO- is something so people have to reload in a way, the player cant keep firing they have to wait a secound. Wow long trigger. RATE THIS IDEA!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zeratul_101 on 2006-05-22 at 19:58:48
whats so special about this? its really pretty basic. Just a dark swarm firing system. your 'recharging' is just like reloading and seiging the tank would be arming the weapon. tux uses a darkswarm system like this(well, no seige tank and Dweb, but similiar effects and triggering)

I made something a little more advanced than this.

It was about a battering ram. the ram(tank) would be 'armed' when it was seiged, but it could only be seiged when it was next to a gate. In addition, it also needs men to 'man' it before it could 'ram' and it would revert back to tank mode after every shot. also, unless the tank was already in range of the gate, it would run over units.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Dark_lunatic_K on 2006-05-22 at 20:32:41
Yeah this is really basic. 1/10 - not a very useful system.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JoJo. on 2006-05-24 at 15:06:30
QUOTE(Dark_lunatic_K @ May 22 2006, 06:32 PM)
Yeah this is really basic. 1/10 - not a very useful system.

DLK you dont have to listen to me, but please dont post in my topics... You seem to have a grudge aganst me, you may think its basic even though its not super complex or basic, and i think you should let it go whatever grudge you hae aganst me. Either that or your hipocritical. The idea came from Mp)Dada's map "Mario Massing" and i posted in that topic recently, i thought maybe even this system would be a useful special unit, or just different and original.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Carlsagan43 on 2006-05-24 at 16:39:33
Hey, why dont you make a test map out of it? That way I dont have to read your posts all the way throguh??
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Oo.Insane.oO on 2006-05-24 at 18:37:42
Its a pretty basic system but still kindof cool I think it might be the one that Oo.Agent.oO used for his Doomday map but eather way 4/10
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