Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Monster Breeders?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Trance on 2006-05-23 at 04:01:35
Well, i recently started making a map, i havent named it yet, but its quite simply, a map where you would hunt/catch monsters, train them, interbreed them to create new monsters, and then fight against the other teams monsters. At the moment i have come up with the following:

Types of Monsters:
Type-A (Poor)
Type-A (Average)
Type-A (Great)
Type-B (Poor)
Type-B (Average)
Type-B (Great)
Type-C (Poor)
Type-C (Average)
Type-C (Great)
Type-D (Poor)
Type-D (Average)
Type-D (Great)
Special Type-A
Special Type-B
Special Type-C
Special Type-D

each type is a different kind of monster (Defensive, Melee, Ranged, Balanced)
and each type has a rating (Poor, Average, and Great) so you would be able to catch a poor hydra(weak), or a great hydra(strong).
Special monsters are uncatchable, and may onle be obtained by breeding certain types and rated monsters, for example:
(These are not the real formulas used in the map)
Type-B Great + Type-D Average = Type A Special

Since each type of monster uses a different kind of upgrade (Zerg missile for Type B, Zerg Melee for type A, Protoss Ground for Type C, ect... I would have to make a virtual credit system, so that they couldnt train 1 monster and upgrade a different one, for example:
1 Uraj Crystal = 1 mineral, 2 gas = Type A Upgrade
1 Khydarin Crystal = 2 Mineral, 1 Gas = Type B Upgrade
1 Khalis Crystal = 3 Minerals, 2 Gas = Type C Upgrade
1 Crysalis = 2 Minerals, 3 Gas = Type D Upgrade
1 Data Disc = 1 Credit (Point) = Money for human hunters/upgrades

All monsters are interbreedable, but only a few come out as special types, the rest will come out as a random type/rate.

Special Monsters are un-upgradeable, they have good stats to begin with.

Each Player will have 5 Monster Pens, and a battle-ready area. The player can breed/train the penned monsters, and then set them into the battle-ready area to save for a battle. Once a monster is placed in the battle-ready area, they cannot be trained or breeded.

Ok, thats all i have so far, I would like to request lots of feedback, and perhaps some additional ideas. If your idea is big enough and useful enough, i will put your name in the credits =). Also i would like to request some monster-type names, instead of type A,B,C,and D, i would like to have something like:
Type-Altrix (Something like these?)

If nobody comes up with good names, i guess ill use these. Anyways, FEEDBACK PLEASE! (And please, if your gonna use any of these ideas in a map, at least let me know or something...)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Friut on 2006-05-23 at 08:16:56
I think i get it,3 teams,6 players,you want some unit names:

Type: Genocide
Type: Bangy
Type: ABC
Type: CBA
Type: Quad (These are popping out of my head at random interavals uberwoot.gif )
Type: Trip
Type: tufjvn (look at kyboard uberwoot.gif )
Type: 19
Type: UpnDown
Type: PeenPoo
Type: zizablangin my mushookoms(Quote from Marine uberwoot.gif [who sadly... left channel sadangel.gif ](was it him?)

Out of ideas... till next time!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Night on 2006-05-23 at 10:23:48
Did you ever try greek alphabet? yes they are overused...
Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Omega
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Trance on 2006-05-23 at 10:34:40
Ok Erm, i ask for more feedback and less ideas please, is it a good idea or a bad idea -.- what parts do you like, and what do you not like. At the moment, i have 2 teams of 2, not 3 teams of 2.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Friut on 2006-05-23 at 11:45:50
QUOTE(Mp)Trance @ May 23 2006, 08:34 AM)
not 3 teams of 2.

bye2.gif there went that idea


Sounds a lot like monster farmers the video game... so... sounds good yahoo.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Trance on 2006-05-23 at 13:29:07
Monster Farmers...? Never heard of it before. I would do 3 teams of 2, but i ran out of space to place 2 more players after i made the terrain. I ALMOST didnt have enough space for 4 players. Theres no way im remaking the terrain, it took me a long time. Plus, if there were 3 teams, it would 50% more triggers and it would be FFA, and i hate FFA.

Also: Does anyone know how i can do kill>Money triggers a faster/easier way than:

Current Player Kills At Least [10] Men
Set Resources for Current Player +1 Minerals

Current Player Kills At Least [20] Men
Set Resources for Current Player +1 Minerals

Repeated over and over with +10 kills everytime?

I have tried:
Current Player Kills At Least [10] Men
Set Score [Kills] To 0
Set Resources for Current Player +1 Minerals
Preserve Trigger

And that never worked for me. Does anyone know a EASY way that actually WORKS?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Night on 2006-05-23 at 14:43:22
QUOTE(Mp)Trance @ May 23 2006, 11:28 AM)
Current Player Kills At Least [10] Men
Set Score [Kills] To 0
Set Resources for Current Player +1 Minerals
Preserve Trigger

And that never worked for me. Does anyone know a EASY way that actually WORKS?

The "Kill" Score is not +1 for every unit killed, it depends on the unit, like zergling is 50 points (i think) and 100 for marine etc. What you might want is something like

Kill Trigger
¤ Current Player
¤ Kill score is at least 1 for current player
¤ set score: 0 for current player
¤ add # resources for current player
¤ Preserve Trigger

Yes, it sounds good, at first I thought you were copying my fusionniers map, But I guess not.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Noober on 2006-05-23 at 20:28:04
If you want 1 mineral every 10 kills, then instead of adding 1 mineral as Darknight said, add 1 death count of something, then when there's 10 deaths, set deaths to 0 and add 1 mineral.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-05-24 at 03:00:01
wow! looks like trance its back in action.

the idea sounds like a mix of maplestory/pokemon/digimon mixed in together.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-05-24 at 04:09:33
I'm kinda sceptical about this... But if you make it good, I'll gladly change my mind tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Grand_Dracolich on 2006-05-24 at 13:56:46
Sounds really neat. The only thing I liked about the pokemon games is breeding the strongest ones.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EcHo on 2006-05-24 at 16:59:18
This is like pokemon and digimon
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)Trance on 2006-05-24 at 21:17:30
im still not sure if i should do real time or command battles, or if i should do a 2v2 with all the monsters you caught. I could make an RPG out of it, and make tournaments and stuff, i dnno, tell me what you think.

Also, even though i have the ideas and terrain to make the map, it will be at least a month or 2 before this map is released, i am taking a one month vacation, leaving this saturday and i wont be back for a while, and then, it will take about another month to finish the map/idea/bugs. So... Ill keep everyone posted while im on vacation. I will continue to think of ways to better the map. And i would like you to do the same.

And about the pokemon/digimon thing, yea, i guess its kinda similar, but im going to try my best to not make it TOO much like it. Im not going to make 50000 monsters with corny names. And im not going to make it for children either. So that alone should make it not seem too much like pokemon or digimon.
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