QUOTE(Noober @ May 23 2006, 07:14 PM)
Have a big location that's 1 grid less than the walkeable ground, so that the marine can spawn in the right place.
QUOTE((U)Bolt_Head @ May 23 2006, 04:08 PM)
That is a common misconception. The size of a location doesn't reflect the spawning of units in them so changing the size of the location would have no effect.
QUOTE(Kenoli @ May 24 2006, 05:13 PM)
Oh, I thought there was actually a problem. Turns out you can move units next to a wall.
DEAD, you can move an Ultralisk to a Zergling even if it's touching a wall. You knew that of corse, because you used it in your test map.
I just can't figure out why you felt the need to make it so complex. To switch the Zergling to the Ultralisk you move 4 Hero Ultralisks (which are owned by another player) to the Zergling, center a location on one, move the Zergling away, move the Hero Ultralisks away, move the Ultralisk (which is owned by yet another player) to the new location, and then finnaly give it to Player 1.
You could have simply done it like this:
*Player 1 brings exactly 0 'Move this to morph' to 'Morph command'.
*Current Player brings at least 1 Ling to 'Field'.
*Preserve Trigger.
*Comment:Ling -> Ultra
*Move 1 'Move this to morph' for Player 1 at 'Anywhere' to 'Morph command'.
*Center location labeles 'Unit' on [men] owned by Player 1 at 'Field'.
*Move 1 Ultra for Player 1 at 'Morph units' to 'Unit'.
*Move 1 Ling for Player 1 at 'Unit' to 'Morph units'.
I thought he was already moving the unit to the wall. Or does the large unit have to be placed ontop another inorder to be displaced. If thats the case I have a better idea there are two problems with Kenoli's the way it is now.
1: You have to create a trigger for each type of unit (yes i know this is easly fixed).
2: Even when your out in the open the second unit will be displaced by yours so morphing will always cause your unit to jump a little bit in one direction.
What I propose is to use a move a borrowed Lurker first to establish where a legal spawning place for a large unit is.
(I'm assumeing that a burrowed unit will have the same displacement from the cliff effect but I may be incorrect, burrowed units may not be displaced by anything hence the reason you can place them under buildings) However if it works here is the trigger.
-Whatever to morph
-Move Lurker owned by neutral player to location X
-Move Smaller unit owned by current player to 'out place'
-Center Location X on lurker owned by neutral player at feild
-Move Bigger unit to 'other out place' to location X
-Preserve Trigger
I guess if that doesn't work and the displacement thing bothers you that much then you could have a two step trigger where the first test if the lurker can be placed and continues if it can and the second (if the lurker couldn't be placed) would use something more similer to Kenoli's where it would be displaced.
There are actually lots of things you could do to fix your problem, I've thought of several other just while typing this. It just depends on your determination to make it appear as if it was never an issue.