This is really serious.
I've been thinking about this for a long time. I'm thinking, "What will happen when the generation of starcraft begins to fade? What new game will replace this wonderful thing? Will people move on? Forget all about this?" It's up to everyone of us to decide wether starcraft will last till the next decades or so.
We're counting on you
Starcraft will be evolved to Novacraft and then disappear SC is dying, but not the SC community itself. And I'm not just talking about the koreans.
The melee community obviously has gone down the drain on because people only play $$ maps and boring imbalanced maps like Lost Temple. So instead people play on private servers/leagues. Like, and the even bigger one, They play really good maps, most of which are made by koreans. Those maps are really fun and are mostly balanced.
The SC community outside of will NOT die for a very long time. The average age there is like 18+ and people there are serious about starcraft, unlike many of us on and even here on SEN. Those people there are actually good at SC, and it's actually fun to play with them, since they're they're only to game, not to gloat, taunt, or be asses.
So if you're talking about SC on, then yea I guess we can try to do something, but it's quality is already going down. The sc community outside of however, will not die for a very very long time.
I dont think Starcraft will ever die, I think that it may slow down a little bit, but there are a lot of people who are very into starcraft and will probably never leave Starcraft.
Starcraft may slow down and lose some people, but some will never leave.
Starcraft 2 should get the StarCraft world back up to the top once again!
Starcraft will die, it's only a matter of time.
Take Warcraft II for example. Computers with Windows XP SP2 can't run it because DOS isn't compatible with the current OS.
Starcraft will eventually be hit by incompatibility, it's just a matter of when, and that when may be Windows Vista or another future upgrade to Vista or OS.
After this incompatibility, emulators will most probably be out within weeks, but not everybody will download them and people will start leaving at an accelerated rate, like it has happened to Diablo I and Warcraft I & II.
Warcraft II's downfall was accellerated by Warcraft III coming out, and with that reasoning, I don't see Starcraft falling anytime soon before Starcraft II comes out.
Someone might just make a hack that will destroy starcraft servers and the next time you dl a map on bnet you get the virus and spread but for now it wont die untill starcraft ghost is made for nintendo wii.
Melee? Given the number of people making nine-figure (won) salaries playing Starcraft, I doubt it's dying.
Like BeeR said, most of it is being privatized. We use for our games, but we (a large part of the quality UMS community) mostly do our work out of the general BNet limelight.
Starcraft will eventually be hit by incompatibility, it's just a matter of when, and that when may be Windows Vista or another future upgrade to Vista or OS.
After this incompatibility, emulators will most probably be out within weeks, but not everybody will download them and people will start leaving at an accelerated rate, like it has happened to Diablo I and Warcraft I & II.
Yup. Starcraft has some life left. The time Starcraft fades I'm certain there will be alot of new versions of Starcraft. It will take a very long time before Starcraft starts to fade. With the Starcraft game coming out for the consoles, it will give it a huge jump start.
If the PC game dies, we will have the console game and it may go live.
Starcraft is already dying.
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG @ May 23 2006, 06:32 PM)
Take Warcraft II for example... like it has happened to Diablo I and Warcraft I & II.
SC will die. no doubt. but perhaps not, i think SC is the best game made by Blizz. if you think about it, SC2 and WC3 are way to complex to do some stuff you understand on SC.
On wc2, you couldn't do extended terrian and there wernt tiggers i dont think.
but who knows, i think SC2 will rock
QUOTE(Kellimus @ May 23 2006, 09:08 PM)
Starcraft is already dying.[right][snapback]491687[/snapback][/right]
We're all aware of that. We're talking about THE END of it. When it DIED.
Actually, the title of the thread is "THE END OF STARCRAFT". And now in the actuall thread he sais what if it begins to fade.
This thread is confusing... Starcraft is already fading, and like I said before... When the game comes out for the console they will get a new jump start.
Thats not true
Many ppl still play Diablo I and WCII
Was there a warcraft I?
And look at starcraft original. Many people still play that
Look at it this way, StarCraft has sold around 9 million copies. As StarCraft gets older fewer and fewer noobs are online. This means only the people who are really loyal to the game continue to play. Only a fraction of the 9 million copies play online. StarCraft won't die because Blizzard already said they wanted to return to the StarCraft universe. They already proved this with StarCraft Ghost. Hopefully, they will make a worthy sequal to StarCraft.
They thankfully cancelled Starcraft Ghost, so perhaps they might begin work on SC2 someday soon.
When you guys are saying starcraft is dying, pretty much all of you guys are referring to starcraft. I couldn't agree with you guys more on that. But honestly, starcraft itself is NOT dying. There's proof everywhere that it's very alive. There's a much bigger world of starcraft out there most of us are oblivious to. Places like Gosugamers,, and consist of only a fraction of the whole population. Even adults that are like 30+ years old still actively play this game like. Take Entropy (AKA Physician) for instance.
There's tons of famous melee players/map makers that are like 100x more famous than pretty much all of us UMS map makers here combined on this site. I bet 9 out of 10 of you guys don't even know who people like Mondragon, NaDa, Nal_Ra, Rose.of.Dream. are.
EDIT: And also, if you just say the word "sen" in most other starcraft communities, people won't think of Staredit Network. Instead they'll think of a really famous guy called ToT)SEn(, a really gosu melee player from Taiwan.
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG @ May 23 2006, 04:32 PM)
Starcraft will die, it's only a matter of time.
Take Warcraft II for example. Computers with Windows XP SP2 can't run it because DOS isn't compatible with the current OS.
Starcraft will eventually be hit by incompatibility, it's just a matter of when, and that when may be Windows Vista or another future upgrade to Vista or OS.
After this incompatibility, emulators will most probably be out within weeks, but not everybody will download them and people will start leaving at an accelerated rate, like it has happened to Diablo I and Warcraft I & II.
I can run War2BNE, and I'm on XP SP2.
And Starcraft won't die. Look at the Doom community. The Doom
one community. We should get a new game eventually...that'll give us a major boost, knowing Blizzard.
But when SC will be forgotten on, where will the SC communities take their power/inspiration from ?
Like MilleniumArmy said, they have their own private servers and leagues.'s fate will not phase their love for StarCraft. I don't think StarCraft in general will die, but certain aspects of it will.
The general public newbie's aspect of Starcraft will die, but not the true aspect of Starcraft. There's nothing we can do about the UMS community since we rely only on (not to mention that a large number of us have already retired from SC/map making and). Whereas in the bigger melee world, they play on official tournaments with prize money and stuff.
I'm becoming more and more active at places like and nowadays. Why? Because they're still devoted to starcraft and even starcraft map making. Much of Staredit Network here has lost much of it's devotion to starcraft, even starcraft map making, because now the place with heaviest activity is the "other" forums. Although BWMN doesn't make UMS maps, we still make melee maps and we have contests for them everyweek (Aka the Map of the Week system at and whenever a map wins, they'll get their own newspost at and even some big german sc website. So everyweek there's an incentive to make maps; you want to win that competition. And if the maps are good enough, they won't fall into oblivion. They will be used for certain tournaments, and maybe if even good enough, be used at and
Many BWMN maps have already made it to that level. For instance, (4)Arena made by Starparty at BWMN was and is still used at PGTour and WGTour, (4)Sattarchasm also made by Starparty was and is still used at PGTour and WGTour, (2) S ignal made by Trcc was and is still used at PGTour and WGTour, (4)Comet by trcc was formerly used, (2)Nightlight by boongee was and is still used today. All of those maps aren't made by koreans, but they're made by average people like me at BWMN.
And do you guys remember the BlizzCon map making tournament from like august 2005? Well all 5 maps that won were all made by BWMN users and were played on by eight top SC progamers in the world. The replays, brackets, and maps are still there at Check out the replays; they're pure art.
Maps like Arena and Sattarchasm have already reached world fame. Everybody now knows what these maps are in the melee world; even the koreans. No UMS will ever reach this high of a success, ever. So you see, making melee maps isn't a waste of a time; if good enough people will play it in private games or with clans, not on public
Note: You don't have to be a good melee player to be part of tihs melee world. I suck at melee, but I still just make melee maps. A few which of have already won the MotW system, and one of my maps, (4)Sacred Grounds 2.0, is possibly even being considered as a possible candidate for the Next MotS at
UMS is getting more primitive, with all those maps made in 10-60 minutes. I'm amazed how people play them !
QUOTE(BeeR_KeG @ May 24 2006, 03:32 AM)
ike it has happened to Diablo I and Warcraft I & II.
What's with Diablo I? I play it on winXP sometimes...
I thought that it died because much more superior Diablo II came out. Oh well
I seriously doubt that Starcraft will die within this decade. I have known MANY people that have played SC at least once a week ever since it came out.
Since most people who play starcraft like the idea of it being flexible, not like the 3D ones with the horrible camera angels. I can tell that SC2 (if it would ever come out) will lag quite a lot since it's close up, and detailed.
Anyways, you all know Starcraft: Ghost is coming out, but it's a first person shooter, much like metal gear solid. So I don't think many people would ditch SC and play ghost instead. Thats why theres melee and UMS maps!
And as millenniumarmy said, ums is getting old, nobody really comes out with new ideas. Melee however, will always live (since theres AI's too!) and because there are tournaments as seen on battle net, like the world tour this year.
Diablo, like many RPG games died because people started to beat the game too easily, therefore loosing interest. I however stayed and played Diablo I for five years straight simply because my friends plays. RPG's are too repetitive, and continue to be as much a bore without anyone you know to play with. This is however just my opinion.