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Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> Hallucination Help
Report, edit, etc...Posted by -_DLD_- on 2006-05-23 at 21:40:54
I've spent a long time trying to figure this out.

Okay, I'm making a little cutscene ala Kerrigan-Tassadar from the original Zerg missions. I'm using Starforge.

I originally had it so it creates my Templar character with the "Hallucinated" property after the game is paused. Dialogue happens. I have the Hallucinated Templar die, but instead of vanishing in a puff of smoke, he's a normal Templar and dies as such. The way I made the Trigger was to have a "CUWP" Trigger in Staredit, save the map, then copy/paste the Trigger from map to map in Starforge (my map has a bunch of units unplacable in Staredit).

Now I'm trying to stick a cloaked unit right beside where the Templar appears, and merely have the Templar get removed while the cloaked hallucinated unit is destroyed (he was placed as such, not created). To keep his energy up, I have the following Trigger in place:

Player 7 (he controls the Hallucinated unit and nothing else)
ModifyUnitEnergy(All, AnyUnit, P7, Anywhere, 99);

The hallucinated unit eventually runs out of energy and dies.

This is really really frustrating. >_<;

Oh, here's the string for my endgame Trigger, with the Hallucinated cloaked unit to create the "smoke" effect:

Player 1
Bring(P1, Exactly, 1, Infested Duran, End);
SetInvincibility(Enable, Infested Duran, P1, Anywhere);
CreateUnitWithProperties(1, Xianou, Hero, P2, 1);
Transmission(Aldaris Templar, Hero, "staredit\\wav\\nosound.wav", SetTo, 20000, "XIANOU
Greetings, Samir. I am Praetor Xianou. Exactly as I anticipated, you followed my forces in a
merry chase through your installation.
I assure you that this will be your final mistake. Even now, my fleet is preparing to deliver a
crushing blow to your unprepared forces.", 20);
Transmission(Infested Duran, End, "staredit\\wav\\nosound.wav", SetTo, 7000, "DURAN
What?! A clever ruse...but a foolish one! Let's see how powerful your fleet is without its
commander!", 20);
KillUnitAt(All, AnyUnit, Anywhere, P7);
RemoveUnit(Xianou, P2);
Transmission(Aldaris Templar, Hero, "staredit\\wav\\nosound.wav", SetTo, 8000, "XIANOU
Unfortunately for you, I will not be destroyed so easily. Now prepare yourself for the beginning of
the end!", 20);

Bleh. >_<;
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Noober on 2006-05-23 at 21:43:52
You can't set energy of hallucinations. Sorry.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by -_DLD_- on 2006-05-23 at 21:57:20
I was afraid of that. >:\

What would I do instead? Have make a map with a Trigger that reads:

CreateUnitWithProperties(1, Xianou, Hero, P2, 1);

Though in Staredit I'd just make:

Create 1 Xianou at 'Hero' for Player 2. Apply properties.

The only properties I'd have is "Hallucinated." Would loading that map in Starforge, then copy/pasting that code from trig.scm to my map work?

If not...what can I do?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Steel_Hand55 on 2006-05-23 at 23:24:29
First: I'd suggest getting SCMDraft 2; it's WAY better than SF.

Second: I'd think that copy/pasting it would work, but I'm not sure; try it smile.gif . If it doesn't work, well then...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-05-23 at 23:43:21
The last number in the CreateUnitsWithProperties trigger is the CUWP slot that the trigger will use, it determines what properties the units will have. Maps have 64 CUWP slots and each one can hold unique unit properties. Using an editor like StarForge will allow you to reuse one slot for many triggers (The original editor does not, it uses one slot for each action)

Your trigger "CreateUnitWithProperties(1, Xianou, Hero, P2, 1);" uses CUWP slot #1. If that slot dosen't hold any properties then the unit will just be created normally. You need to change the properties of that slot. Unfortunately StarForge can't do that. I recommend using uBeR@TiOn, it has a CUWP slot editor.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by -_DLD_- on 2006-05-24 at 00:18:06
Kenoli, I want your children.

It finally works! <3

Thanks very much!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Pyro-Fire on 2006-05-24 at 00:24:43
impossible to make/edit hallucinations. end of story
Report, edit, etc...Posted by -_DLD_- on 2006-05-24 at 00:51:31
Yes it is...with Triggers...
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