QUOTE(DarkArchon(MC) @ May 23 2006, 09:38 PM)
1st Topic: I submitted five or more fairly decent tutorials to the database and they haven't put them up. I was just wondering if it was because they weren't of high quality enough or if the Tutorial Managers just haven't had time to add them?
It usually takes the Tutorial keepers a while to look them through and make sure they are legit and actually work. They most likely don't have the time, they too have a life.
QUOTE(DarkArchon(MC) @ May 23 2006, 09:38 PM)
2nd Topic: If the tutorials do have correct grammar, why then won't they be accepted if there aren't tutorials over the subject? My tutorials were all over subjects not already in the database. I feel there should be no reason for not accepting new tutorials because they are not "elite enough" to be in the database. Simple tutorials over smaller things are of as good of use as the more advanced ones. They shouldn't be denied simply because it is "Common Knowledge", because new map-makers might not want to use this site.
If they are really as good as you say, they may be added in time. They most likely don't have the time, and when i'm on SEN I always check to see who is on and most of the time there aren't any tutorial keepers online. Finally, no tutorial should be denied because it's common knowledge, a tutorial is a tutorial.
QUOTE(DarkArchon(MC) @ May 23 2006, 09:38 PM)
3rd Topic: I was just wondering why some of the tutorials were in the database twice? Some that were located near the beginning I also found near the end. I am using Internet Explorer though.
There was actually a error in the tutorial code a while back and duplicated the tutorials, ignore this.
QUOTE(DarkArchon(MC) @ May 23 2006, 09:38 PM)
4th Topic: Do you have any plans for being able to update your tutorials for SENv5 when it comes out?
Most likely not, if there are any errors now you may look through them and re-submit them and send the tutorial keeper a PM about the re-submitted tutorial.
QUOTE(DarkArchon(MC) @ May 23 2006, 09:38 PM)
5th Topic: Do Tutorial Keepers ever pull tutorials straight out of the forums, or is that unreasonable?
No, the tutorial must be submitted to the TDB. I'm sure the tutorial keepers don't go looking through the forums for a tutorial to throw in there. They need the users permission to put it the tutorial database.