LOSTIf you have watched the show lost on ABC you will know what I am talking about(if not watch it, its great
) Well this is what I am making....
This will be a 1-4 player map
Jungle Terrain
Many different specific areas
(I will need some players to test the mutiple players on b.net because I cant connect)
Show crash landing of a plane (Oceanic Flight 815=Norad II crash site)
Then you can pick an Islander you want to be...(and gives a short description of each player)
Your on a beach and you can collect fish or fruit for food in the woods or in the ocean and you have to find them but can be attacked by polar bears or boars or something else....
Other islanders can complete different tasks...
Jack - Get food for the amount of islanders healed in 5 mins
Hurley - Distribute Food to the Islanders
Sayid - Try to find new areas to recive better reception for a radio (radio would have to be found first from French Woman)
Locke - Get food for killing as many boars as you can in 5 mins
Vincint - Be the dog and be used as a messenger dog to take messages from the beach to the hatch and/or cave
Charlie - Take care of Claires baby for food
Desmond - After you find the hatch you decide if want to press or not press the button
Any Character - Go into woods or go fishing for food
The more food you have the more islanders you can recruit (Jack, Sawyer, Kate, Locke) to become under your control.
Food - Food is scatered around the island
Radio - Use to find signals and gain more information that tie into the story
Drugs - Cost food but greatens energy
Ship Salvage - Different items from the ship crash (Ship Manifest, ship radio...)
Dynamite - he he he.....
Different events happen through out the game (finding cave, finding hatch, encountering others, a island member taken away, islanders getting injured, falling into traps, finding items)
But the main plot to the story is the "others"
They will attack at night (after 45-60 mins) You need to protect the islanders
Certain things can happen like the others can get to your gun stash and and you cant recruit more islanders (no weapons for them)
Or the "others" can take an island member back to there camp
The "other's" camp will be hidden on the map (most likely very big... and hidden)
and you can construct an army to attack them.
Then there would be a big twist at the end but i have no ideas at the moment
Screen ShotsMap Progress 40%
Terrain 80%
Triggers 5%
Units 85%
Tasks 15%
Events 0%
Story 5%
Ending 10%
comments plz