Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Ideas -> War Type...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AshaMeD on 2006-05-25 at 14:45:51

Ok so there will be a world to take over but it wont be like risk and all them much much differnt more in triggering and stuff Each player probly 4.. will start on a grid you pick where... the grid will have squres 2x2 with beacans on it. The Beacan turns your color if you deside to take the place over some places will have computer armys 2 defend or just be open... You can always stay at that place and make it better a bigger and stronger you will have a number of units in an army and if you decide to move onto another area you can leave part of your army there to defend it agenst other attacking units or leave it ... if you leave it all your buildings and resourses there will still be going to you untell it gets tooken over and if this happens the person that now owns it dosn't have to restart because you alrdy left them a base.

Cool Ideas:

People of your cities can revolt agenst you if your a tyrant and a computer player will take controle of the city if they win the rev.
Advance In ages like when you begin the game you will be like at rocks and spears but you can have scientist and stuff discovering good ways to live and the more you own the faster you advanced the end of the game will be space age... and you will be able to get nukes to nuke entire cities and take them over like that... but that will bring that city back to nothing... And nobody will live there at all so you would need to get units from other cities to go there...


You can make freinds in the game... and back stab them when ever you feel is your best time.... With allys you will be able to enter each others towns and even help build... So you could have like some blue and red buildings in the same town but if you back stab them... you best hope >_< you have the most in the towns!!

Turn Base:

This game will be turned base you take your turn and pass it on to the next player so every one knows what your doing because they watch you... No fog of war

To win:

Take Over the world??


Give me a title name >_< tell me what else to add to make it fun!! Tell me if it sounds fun? Just about all the feed back you can think of.. Good or bad!!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Zell.Dincht on 2006-05-25 at 22:46:16
Hmm well you can use Field Commander, or Tactical something. Well it will seem cool if you can finish it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by AshaMeD on 2006-05-26 at 02:08:33
Hrrm i havn't thought of it all yet... it will be kinda confusing >_<!! But i will work it out! But I think i will have like points that you can't see add you you like if you slave your people you get tyrant points or.. if you pay them you get good leader points!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Elric111 on 2006-05-28 at 01:00:46
This game sounds a lot like the civilizations series
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