Can someone teach me how to make a map? I want to make a defense game where the units move from one side to another. I dont know how to use triggers, can someone teach me?
Start by reading the tutorials, then using search to find everything you need to know. Then whatever you can't find, ask. We can't tell you all the triggers you need for a map; that would be making the map for you. Part of the reason why we make maps is to discover new ways of using triggers to create innovative maps. Most of us learned how to make maps by ourselves, with assistance from the more experienced members. That is how we became good. So, you should start by learning about each trigger and how it works. Most of them are self explanatory, such as Kill unit (it kills units, in case you couldn't figure out that by youself.)
So, just play around with the triggers. Most of the ones needed for a defence map are create and kill/remove, add minerals, a scoreboard, and some kind of counter to keep track of levels.
Here, I'll start off with your first trigger. This will create 10 level 1 units when a civilian is moved to a "start" location if it's level one, move the civlian back, display a message, and order the units to move along the track.
Force 1
Player 1 brings at least 1 civilian to "start".
Player 8 suffers exactly 1 death of whatever.
Move all civilian for Player 1 at start.
Set deaths for player 8: Add 1 of whatever.
Create 10 level1 at "spawn" for player 8.
Issue order to all any unit owned by player 8 at spawn: move to "end".
Display text message: "Level 1"
It's hard to explain without me actually being able to see what you're doing. If you live somewhere in Shelby County, Alabama, that would be convenient; I could just show up. But I am going to assume that is not the case, lol.
So, open up the Campaign Editor. Press F1 to bring up a list of help topics. Then go to the trigger tutorial. Read through it and do as it says, then come back here.
okay, I will do this!
Thank you for the help!
We can't teach you how to make a map.
Look at other unlocked maps, play around. If you have a specific question, then ask it here.
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