hey wut up guys
just introducin myself
i finally signed up and i went to the saturday map nite last nite. it was pretty cool. we played a map i made and alot of ppl liked
map -->
Link removedim gunna start postin here and be active and make some more cool maps
check out my site too plz
Link removed or
Link removedthx
Yes, the last map night was very seccessful. There was about 30 people on at one time, and I think 45 different people showed up. We had a chance to see the map tricks early on.
How was the map night last night?? I didn't get to go because I went to church it was pretty cool. deathknight showd me a bunch of tricks but than all of a sudden he disconnected and never came back on the whole nite :/
had fun while it lasted
ARGH, and I won't be in any of them anymore
Anyway... hello
Welcome Jonny... yet... why do you host hacks on your site!?
I just noticed that thanks. All your links have been removed jonthepyro. We have no interest in spoiling the starcraft community with hacking materials.
I suggest you remove the illegal material right away, or you do not visit this website any further.
wow ok sry guys
i just wont put any links to my site on here is that ok?
btw yd u delete my map link, thats not bad..
You're going to have to be more specific. I delete and accept maps all the time. What map was it, and what did it contain?
map --> Link removed
this was first post
and the
Current Projects: A lot
Finished: Link removed
in my signature
i mean i can change it back but i was jw