I really think for every five posts in mapping-related forums, one post should be granted for the other-related forums. This would encourage users to post more related information, and discourage spammers and trolls from comming here.
If you think this would cause people to spam more often, then I think this community has failed the standards we were originally here to create, and that other-related forums should be removed completely.
Post your opinions if you have at least a hundred posts in mapping-related forums, else you have absolutely no say.
Curently I see the Maping Side of SEN to be perfectly fine. Maps are still being made and submitted, the other section is for people to get to know each other or discuss politics. I post there because I know about stuff there, I'm not big on Mapping Anymore so I don't post about maps. I don't think there's that much spamming, and even so it shouldn't bother you. Since the mappers of SEN come to SEN for maps, and will ignore the other section. I don't think I've heard of someone stop making maps because they'd rather get minerals and posts in the other section.
So I don't really see a point to this, if anything it'd make more spam since people would spam random things in Map Making, or more in the other section.
Granted posting..?
Silly Rexy
I ignored the last part of your post. But whether or not I have 100 posts in Map Making doesn't make a differnce. It's not like my logic is invalid because I don't post there (I think I have 100 posts there anyway)
Well I really think mappers are the only ones who should have a say. Why do people come here if they don't make maps? Politics and other junk should be left at other communities, not brought here.
Seeing "Starcraft maps" in the header, and then some extremely off-topic discussion about politics just doesn't suit this website's primary motives.
I agree with DK. Then you'd have to save up other forum points to have an argument =D Then seeing a big flame war would be really special. Not so many people would just carelessly be jerks. They'd make their jerk posts really count and actually be worth reading! Not to mention that people would be respected more as mappers, and not so much judgment would fall upon them.
I really see this making posts in other topics more intelligent, and just the hilarity in strategically counting your posts, trying to make the most of each. No more protracted arguments, only quick and concise victories!
I don't think it will be implemented, but it's an idea with amusing possibilities.
Well, once in awhile, people need breaks from mapping. There's really no community out there that focuses on a single topic or category. Our attention span just can't live up to that expectation. Anyways, most people who come here are aspiring mappers, mappers, or retired mappers, so the general populace are experienced in the subject. Yes, it's a mapping community, but everyone knows that we have a life devoted to things other than mapping...I hope. Thus, we have a need to discuss other topics, and considering that the word 'other' applies to every single thing other there besides mapping, the ratio of topics available on mapping compared to eveything else is not quite proportional. That's why it appears that there's less active mappers than 'spammers'.
That's my two cent.
QUOTE(L-inspecteur_Chocolat @ May 27 2006, 05:35 PM)
Well I really think mappers are the only ones who should have a say. Why do people come here if they don't make maps? Politics and other junk should be left at other communities, not brought here.
Like said above (Or double above depending if MillenniumArmy decides to post) you need to take a break from map making some times. Originally Null was made to discuss other Starcraft things there were only two boards, Mapping, and Other. Other also has a Welcome board, and Games Board since a lot of people who play starcraft, play other games. So it was suppose to make a friendly enviroment where everyone knew each other, what each other liked etc etc.
Obviously that's gone horribly wrong but that's why it's there. And I post here because it's more laid back than other fourms with stricter rules (Granted that's probably the reason there's so many spammers) but still, it's rare to come across a place like SEN.
And if you only got the opinion of Map Makers your little poll would be completely biased, no map maker would say "No let's get some irrlevant people who don't even make maps to post here". So you ahve to get everyone's opinion.
Seeing "Starcraft maps" in the header, and then some extremely off-topic discussion about politics just doesn't suit this website's primary motives.[right][snapback]494077[/snapback][/right]
Unless your Yoshi_da_Sniper I doubt you know what the motives were.
Oh yeah:
It doesn't really seem to bother mappers anyway. If the people don't make maps, then they won't post in the map making fourm will they? So I don't see how it would effect you anyway, all the spammers are in the Other Section.
I can only see this leading to an increase of spam in the mapping/modding sections. There's no point really.
I have already seen too many people consumed by the "other" forums in this community where they have quit starcraft and sc map making.
Sure many still play SC and play maps, but what it is definately doing to some people like me is making me spend more time in these forums than on SC and map making.
This is one primary reason why I've also become more active in the melee map making world at places like BWMN.net and such because the primary focus there is map making and there's competitions everyweek so that there's an incentive to make maps.
But we can't force people to do this. It'll make people just spam useless stuff.
If you got addicted to posting in the other section it means we have a good community that you don't want to leave
I don't see how fourms can stop you from map making. They'll always be there, you can read them when you have time.
The forums made me lazier when it comes to my time on the computer. Rather than opening up the starcraft editor and sitting there for long periods of time trying to brainstorm ideas, you can just instead click on your internet explorer or firefox and just participate in discussions unrelated to starcraft since it also doesn't require much tedious thinking either. Whether this is a good thing or not I dunno ;P
While I agree that Other receives way too much attention, I don't think that this is a very viable strategy to revitalize the mapping here at SEN. Like it has been said, it will bring much unwanted spam.
The best solution is to inspire people here to make maps. With more and more map making contests and such, as well as other stuff we can think of later on
QUOTE(MillenniumArmy @ May 28 2006, 04:27 AM)
The best solution is to inspire people here to make maps. With more and more map making contests and such, as well as other stuff we can think of later on
Seriously our inspiration is really bad now a days..For example people coming into DLK's topics and putting him down(I'm not saying DLK is god and I'm not saying he sucks eather just using him as an example), that doesnt really encourage people to make maps. The less talented map makers such as me get discouraged seeing people that are more talented then us being put down for their maps and makes us afraid to post our maps there. Personally I was afraid that My FF7 AC map would get put down and I'm still afraid that I won't be able to finish it and/or it would be good enough for the sen community if I do. Maybe administration should consider a no tolerance policy in the Map Productions forum. And encourage a more positive attitude in it.
I suppose inspiration is the key.... but along with inspiration also comes motivation. Even those with inspiration lack motivation to go back to a game that's already dieing.
I mean, I have tons of inspiration to make maps but im not really motivated to go back to something that's on the brink of death.
The other section recieves a lot of attention because it is most closely related to life... everyone has a life you know.
While yes, people do spend a lot of time in the other forums, that's their choice... You can't force people to contribute to the mapping community.
We can however persuade them to. Maybe for every
good map that they submit into our Database, they get free minerals or posts
or something can think of a better idea...
I liked the random map making tip that used to be at the top of the website. Added variety, and it increased my knowledge in map making, allowing me to help more people in the map making assistance. What evil being removed it!?
I say reward people for mapmaking to motivate them.
- Mapping forums = mineral forums
- Other forums = no mineral forums
- Reward people who finish a good map with minerals.
- Reward new concepts with minerals
- And so on...
By doing so, members who will be active in mapping forums and will produce good maps will be richer than "other" crew. I say it's a good solution
Only for people who don't see that minerals are pointless.
It's SEN currency. You can buy stuff for minerals, play games and settle things with other people. Not pointless at all. And you are saying that only because you have like 8k of them
QUOTE(DEAD @ May 28 2006, 10:27 AM)
It's SEN currency. You can buy stuff for minerals, play games and settle things with other people. Not pointless at all. And you are saying that only because you have like 8k of them
What stuff can I buy with minerals that is really useful ?
Play games just to see how lucky are you.
Settle things with other people - didn't have to yet.
You won't see any point if you don't want to see it.
QUOTE(DEAD @ May 28 2006, 10:35 AM)
You won't see any point if you don't want to see it.
Oh yes, "the one who searches will allways find" idea.
Doesen't work for me
QUOTE(DEAD @ May 28 2006, 01:22 AM)
I say reward people for mapmaking to motivate them.
- Mapping forums = mineral forums
- Other forums = no mineral forums
- Reward people who finish a good map with minerals.
- Reward new concepts with minerals
- And so on...
By doing so, members who will be active in mapping forums and will produce good maps will be richer than "other" crew. I say it's a good solution
Then the people that comment about the map would get minerals too. This just wouldnt make ny sence. It is a good idea however to give added minerals to the maker of the map (the first post in the topic)!