thanks guys oh well i guess my tank thing was just a dream :/ but i guess theres nothing thats stopping me from just putting the tank behind the cannon
and the 2nd guy who responded, thanks you gave me an idea for a spell
for a sneak peak(if your interested): one of the bases on this map has a maze as an entrance and if you use a spell it enables defences where it will kill units goign through the maze if they stop on the location but it also allows you pay attention even with the defenses on you can navigate your way through it, though you will still probably lose half your men haha (its short maze)
thats if anyone is interested in knowing and if you got any idea's for spells i dont want more then 4 each so if you got an idea just throw it out there and tell me wheither you like or dislike the maze thing or other idea's just so i can get others opinions