I've got a 192x128 Space map, and I need it to go to 256x128. All of the additional room I require is on the left. The problem here is that when it resizes, all the extra room it gives me is to the right, which is useless. I've tried every copy/paste technique I can think of, and it works just fine...except that the terrain is fubared.
well break down ur options,
1 start over with a bigger map
2 figure out how to use the right side insted.
if nothin works then go with option 1
Damn. Looks like I'm shafted then.
Your base is hugging the right side of the map...and your objective is to defend the right side.
Since SCMDraft and StarForge fail in resizing it properly, is there any other program I could use? There really isn't enough room for the stuff I want to stick in there, and I've put far too much work into the terrain of this map to start from scratch.
Zooming out at 25%, Moving units and terrain would be a challegning yet possible thing to do. However, moving to locations to the left..that would be sort of hard, or to say tedious, time-consuming, and requires precision to not have locations and things flying all over the wrong places. If you have too many locations you should just start over, as triggers and terrain (Do units go from map to map with copy and paste) can be sent over to the next map pretty easily.
All I have on the map is units and terrain. I'm not on the triggers phase of the map (it's campaign so it's all about units/terrain placement).
I've tried every manner of moving terrain and it just doesn't work, since the moved terrain gets fubared when I try to edit it.
Hm... Maybe try a copy paste terrain / units on Draft onto you new created resized map?
Have you tried...GUEdit? Not that I'm suggesting that it'll work much better than SCMD2 and SF...
QUOTE(Element-Nature @ May 30 2006, 07:08 PM)
Hm... Maybe try a copy paste terrain / units on Draft onto you new created resized map?
Tried it. Fails.
Oh, I tried GUEdit. It says nothing about resizing maps in the readme.txt file. =(
I guess I'm stuck trying to work in a Zerg base with this...
BTW: the only Doodads I've placed so far are bridges/ramps. That should explain the lack of detail in "finished" parts of the map.
do you have the latest vrs of SCMD2? its 0.6.1 or something like that. theres acsolutely no reason why it should not be working, i've copied and pasted large areas of terrain many times, its a hassle, but better than compromising or remaking it.
all you got to do is make a new map with your size specifications and the SAME tileset as your old map. load your old map, make your windows smaller and just copy and paste between the maps until you're done.
I tried that, but the terrain layer wouldn't work very well on the pasted stuff.
I ended up having to
make due with what I had...and it doesn't look too crappy.
Check it out!
yea you can't really resize a map...with guedit you might be able to by copying over the terrain and triggers. i guess try that?
the newest version of scmd2 has a copy and past function thats works amazingly. rezise and move everything to the right. If you dont have locations that makes this an even more ideal method.
I always start with 256 x 256, it's better to have extra space than not enough space.
yeah i guess that's true except lets say your making some melee map. would you start with 256 x 256? you'd have a lot of wasted space and having lots of space all over makes a map look messy and unprofessional...
If you copy and paste terrain, the terrain then acts as individual squares instead of isometrical, basically meaning that if you want to edit terrain after your copy paste, you need to do it square by square.
I'd just recommend trying to fit everything in your current terrain, honestly.
^ yeah i recently realized this. damn...this coulda help me so many times ive i had known about this sooner. curse you frit for not telling me
Well, what I would do If I had extra space is add a border of terrain around the map that you can't build or walk on, but yes it would look unprofessional.
I did actually manage to make due with the 192x128 map. A link to the alpha version is in my sig.