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Staredit Network -> Serious Discussion -> overpouplation
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Toothfariy on 2006-05-31 at 18:23:46
is anyone concerned about overpouplation?

from what i hear, every 10 sec's a new person is born when every 30 sec's some one dies.

now, we arn't dieing fast enough to not overpouplate.

do you think we will ever run out of room on earth with all these people?

i think we will. we'll run out of room before we are extinct. i think we should limit the amount of babies a person is allowed to have cause some people had like 7 or 8 and thats making the world a very pouplated place.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Deathawk on 2006-05-31 at 18:37:09
Yes, I do think we will overpopulate.

I don't know what we will do to solve the problem though. There is always the ocean, the moon, or antartica snd stuff or we could just build up. They're all hard and expensive to do, though sad.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Golden-Fist on 2006-05-31 at 19:46:19
It's every 8 seconds someone is born and every 13 seconds someone dies. And 24 hours a day a war is going on in a lot of countries making the death rate sky rocket. It'll even out eventually.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Toothfariy on 2006-05-31 at 20:49:53
what happens when we are at peace for a long time?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xszerg on 2006-05-31 at 20:57:49 its 1:3. That sucks any day now we could be fighting over food.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Toothfariy on 2006-05-31 at 20:59:21
and at our rate, we consume a lot of gas as it is. when there is 3x the amout of people on earth, we will run out a lot lot faster
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-05-31 at 21:00:21
Overpopulation is a problem, not so bad in the United States but in countries like India and China have a huge problem. 1.5 billion people people live in China. That is 3 out of every 12 people in the world live in China. 1.2 billion people live in India, around 1 out of every 5 poeple in the world live in India. The U.S. has about 250 million people in it. A lot less. China has a law that puts taxes on people that have more than one child! India doesnt and will soon pass China in the population category, even thought India is a fraction of the size of China!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by xszerg on 2006-05-31 at 21:03:46
Well I guess we could try to die quicker. Commiting sucide isn't fun tho.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Toothfariy on 2006-05-31 at 21:04:49
yeah and look at new york. it's got like 3 million people in it or somthing ridiclus like that.

only in new york, the econmey is effect with high pouplation. so in a way there is a tax for haveing lots of people in a certin area.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Golden-Fist on 2006-05-31 at 23:00:27
QUOTE(Toothfariy @ May 31 2006, 07:49 PM)
what happens when we are at peace for a long time?[right][snapback]496942[/snapback][/right]

Name me a year long date where there was no war or conflicts of violence in the entire world. Or horrid accidents like a building falling down.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Toothfariy on 2006-05-31 at 23:06:37
lol idk but it's one of those what if's things.

i do soppose u got a point. but still, the death rate should include the people dieing from war right?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Choerdius on 2006-05-31 at 23:11:46
The human population of Earth reached 1 billion in 1804, 2 billion in 1927, 3 billion in 1959, 4 billion in 1974 and 5 billion in late 1986. Last year on October 12th 1999, the human population of Earth reached 6 billion. In my lifetime the population has doubled from 3 billion in 1959 to the 6,034,213,000 today. This doubling of population which occured over the last 40 years will never come close to happening again.

Having considered some of the ways that humanity is destroying its inheritance, we can look more closely at the concept of "overpopulation." All too often, overpopulation is thought of simply as crowding: too many people in a given area, too high a population density. For instance, the deputy editor in chief of Forbes magazine pointed out recently, in connection with a plea for more population growth in the United States: "If all the people from China and India lived in the continental U.S. (excluding Alaska), this country would still have a smaller population density than England, Holland, or Belgium." *31

The appropriate response is "So what?" Density is generally irrelevant to questions of overpopulation. For instance, if brute density were the criterion, one would have to conclude that Africa is "underpopulated," because it has only 55 people per square mile, while Europe (excluding the USSR) has 261 and Japan 857. *32 A more sophisticated measure would take into consideration the amount of Africa not covered by desert or "impenetrable" forest. *33 This more habitable portion is just a little over half the continent's area, giving an effective population density of 117 per square mile. That's still only about a fifth of that in the United Kingdom. Even by 2020, Africa's effective density is projected to grow to only about that of France today (266), and few people would consider France excessively crowded or overpopulated.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MillenniumArmy on 2006-05-31 at 23:49:39
QUOTE(Toothfariy @ May 31 2006, 05:23 PM)
is anyone concerned about overpouplation?

from what i hear, every 10 sec's a new person is born when every 30 sec's some one dies.

now, we arn't dieing fast enough to not overpouplate.

do you think we will ever run out of room on earth with all these people?

i think we will. we'll run out of room before we are extinct.  i think we should limit the amount of babies a person is allowed to have cause some people had like 7 or 8 and thats making the world a very pouplated place.

I am also very concerned about overpopulation. Countries like China and especially India are going to get so jammed packed in the near future.

Four years ago in my Freshmen World Geography class, we watched a documentary which was focused around overpoluation. What they did is compare the lifestyles of two different families; one from Bangledesh or some other really poor country, and one from a very suburbish LA. They would compare each family's daily activities and how they would accomplish or achieve them; the family from LA always had to use some form of energy or resource. When the dad from LA has to go to work, he would have to use his car which consumes gasoline and would pollute the air everyday and get stuck in traffic hour for very long periods of time; whereas the dad from the poor country would just walk by foot to work for about 3 or 4 miles.

The video pretty sums up that the family from the USA is really the one that's overpopulating. Because they consume so much resouces and energy and that we're so spoiled with luxuries and stuff. The poorer underdeveloped countries barely use them.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by HolySin on 2006-06-01 at 01:07:09
This just might be crazy enough to solve both our oil and population problem. First, we get a rock the size of Asia. We then drop it over China and India at the same time. Since oil is made of organic material that has not been fully decayed and compacted by the pressure of the earth, the people there are now oil. We lost like a billion people so we won't have to worry about that for a while, plus we got more oil to distribute to less people.

Seriously though, I think we will get to the point where we wage war for any resource. Currently, we are waging war for oil in Iraq, nevermind that it was Osama Bin Laden who attacked the World Trade Centers and is in Afghanistan and that the U.S. government decided to attack Iraq who was interfering with Kuwait and used the terrorist happening to have an excuse to go there. We already have food distribution problems, and I believe that everybody will have a problem, so countries will eventually try to kill each other. Fresh water would be the next probable resource that people fight over. I have the feeling that humanity will simply collapse on itself because it's too big and drains out every bit of life it requires.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Toothfariy on 2006-06-01 at 16:23:40
we wont fight for water for a very very long time. we can convert salt water to fresh water no problem. and when ever someone goes winkle, the water drank goes right back into the soil. we wont run out for a long time

ne way, it wouldn't make sense to "wage war" over oil, when we gotta use up a lot of our supply just to fight. and if we lose, we're screwed.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Sie_Sayoka on 2006-06-03 at 02:26:16
I heard it somewhere that in like 30 years or somewhere around there the earth will have more people than it had in history combined. the earth is already overpopulated this is a big problem not just because of the natural resources but because how it is distributed. america takes way more resources than any other nation even though we are the 3rd most populated nation.

The reason that the earth is so populated is because new medical treatments greatly increase a persons chances of living as well as increasing thier life span, as well as many other factors.

The easiest way to counter this problem is birth control like china is already doing. however poor 3rd world countries not everyone can buy condoms or birth control chemicals so babies are continuing to be born in already starved nations.

There is no easy way to counter this overpopulation and we will eventually deplete most of the earth of its resources.

Countries like China and especially India are going to get so jammed packed in the near future.

im not very concerned about china seeing that they are actually taking measures to control thier population and seeing japan how packed it is i think china would do just fine tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)7-7 on 2006-06-03 at 06:41:34
QUOTE(Toothfariy @ May 31 2006, 07:04 PM)
yeah and look at new york. it's got like 3 million people in it or somthing ridiclus like that.

only in new york, the econmey is effect with high pouplation. so in a way there is a tax for haveing lots of people in a certin area.

New York alone has like 7 million people in it! I live in Maine which only has 1 million people in the entire state! That is a huge difference between sizes and population!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Ice_Inferno_X3 on 2006-06-03 at 09:02:35
yes i am worried...if it gets bad the USA might use the law china uses (you can only have one kid over there).
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (DI)Yulla on 2006-06-03 at 10:14:13
Good thing the serious damage isn't going to be dealt to us until the end of our lives... Bad thing that it will enormously impact our children and grandchildren....

yes i am worried...if it gets bad the USA might use the law china uses (you can only have one kid over there).

You are kinda behind there, Ice_Inferno. China already relaxed the One Child Policy to a certain extent.... IT is just the female infanticide that goes on in the chinese urban area out there that seems to cause problems out there...

Most child birth is coming from the African nations. They have high birth rates, but they also have high death rates. Hopefully, someone who is rather nice can intervene in that step and stop the growth immediately...

Only thing we need is another Influenza epidemic and/or Black death... (jk)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MillenniumArmy on 2006-06-03 at 19:48:43
I heard it somewhere that in like 30 years or somewhere around there the earth will have more people than it had in history combined.

They say we've already hit that point now. I remember this from one of those random facts things I came across.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Choerdius on 2006-06-03 at 22:12:44
The human population of Earth reached 1 billion in 1804, 2 billion in 1927, 3 billion in 1959, 4 billion in 1974 and 5 billion in late 1986. Last year on October 12th 1999, the human population of Earth reached 6 billion. In my lifetime the population has doubled from 3 billion in 1959 to the 6,034,213,000 today. This doubling of population which occured over the last 40 years will never come close to happening again.

The exponential growth of human population peaked in 1987. That year 87.01 million more people were added to the Earth. Since 1987, the population has declined on average by 2.1 million less people added per year. In this year of 2000 the population will increase by 60.1 million people. If we maintain this 13 year average of 2.1 million less people added per year, we will peak in population reaching zero population growth in 2029 with 6.90 billion people.

The decline of human population has been even more dramatic over the last 6 years. In 1994 we added 78.5 million more people, this year we will add 60.1 million. This is a decline of 3 million less people added per year. If we maintain this 6 year average of 3 million less people added per year, we will peak in population reaching zero population growth in 2020 with 6.64 billion people.

When demographers from the United Nation's did their biennial update of world population numbers in October of 1998 they reduced their projected average population for 2050 from 9.4 billion to 8.9 billion. They also reduced their low number, saying we will reach zero population growth in 2038 @ 7.47 billion. People that are somewhat aware of human population numbers are talking about the 8.9 billion in 2050. Some people are saying it will go higher and a few foolhearty cornucopians are still saying that our population is nearly limitless. All the while no one seems to be looking at nor talking about their low number which has constantly been reduced for the last 13 years. When the United Nations meets again this fall, the projected high, average and low numbers will be reduced once again.

If you take a look at the 2 charts we have produced from the United Nations year by year population figures you can see the declines for yourself. Our population has been going down faster for the last 6 years than even their low numbers for reaching zero population growth in 2038 @ 7.47 billion. This is shown by their low number for January 1, 2000 which is 6,027,534,000, yet on October 12, 1999 they said we reached 6,000,000,000. We could not have added 27,534,000 people in 80 days. We actually added 13,880,000 to make it 6,013,880,000 in the last 80 days of 1999. What this all means is we will reach zero population growth somewhere between 2020 @ 6.64 billion and 2029 @ 6.90 billion.

Perhaps the powers that be have an interest in keeping you thinking we can expand forever, implying that the Earth's resources are limitless. Perhaps the capitalistic economic system that rules Earth does not want to let you know the truth about our crashing population and that we will reach zero population growth very shortly.

The true reasons why our population is crashing is we have passed our sustainable limits for both of our major food energy sources, grains and fish, as well as very quickly reaching our fresh water limits. This awareness is not what the capitalistic economic system powers that be want you to know. It would be bad for their business.

Our crashing population is both good and bad. It is good because these numbers show the indisputable evidence of the collapse that has been under way now for the past 13 years. This is the ultimate wake up call for Homo Sapiens. If there were ever a sign to take a long hard look at what we as a species are doing to all of the life sustaining ecosystems on Earth, this is it.

On the other hand this is bad because we have yet to recognize the alarming facts that for the last 16 years we have passed the sustainable food limits that Earth can produce relative to population. This plus our population is going down faster and faster each year for 13 straight years. Meanwhile 3.6 billion people are barely getting enough to eat with more than 1 billion of them in total abject poverty. And let us not forget that somewhere between 10 and 30 million children die every year of the worst possible death, starvation and starvation related diseases.

Why did the exponential growth of human population peak in 1987? Why has our population been going down every year since? Why is our population declining more each year than the preceeding one? Why is this crashing slowdown in our population happening? And why will our population reach zero population growth somewhere between the years 2020 and 2029?

In the following areas you will find the major factors that have caused our population to peak in 1987 with 87 million more people added and decline on average by 2.1 million less people per year over the last 13 years.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Snipe on 2006-06-04 at 12:45:49
QUOTE(Toothfariy @ May 31 2006, 04:23 PM)
is anyone concerned about overpouplation?

from what i hear, every 10 sec's a new person is born when every 30 sec's some one dies.

now, we arn't dieing fast enough to not overpouplate.

do you think we will ever run out of room on earth with all these people?

i think we will. we'll run out of room before we are extinct.  i think we should limit the amount of babies a person is allowed to have cause some people had like 7 or 8 and thats making the world a very pouplated place.

It won't happen. It's just not logical. yes a lot of people are born in a day and the prediction will be 7 billion people by the year 2024 or somthing of the sort. But i don't belive it because, The amount of disease, natural disasters, Wars etc.. Provide an equal equation where the balance of humaity occurs. There is always a possiblility i'm not going to lie.. but i doubt it.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by JaFF on 2006-06-04 at 12:50:48
We must build upwards. I think it is the key to push the moment, when we will not have enough space, back. Later we must either destroy ourselves with wars/be destroyed by some natural disaster, either get used to livingon other planets.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by l)ark_13 on 2006-06-04 at 17:15:07
I say we should air-drop China on Japan smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Toothfariy on 2006-06-04 at 17:21:31
QUOTE(Snipe @ Jun 4 2006, 10:45 AM)
It won't happen. It's just not logical. yes a lot of people are born in a day and the prediction will be 7 billion people by the year 2024 or somthing of the sort. But i don't belive it because, The amount of disease, natural disasters, Wars etc.. Provide an equal equation where the balance of humaity occurs. There is always a possiblility i'm not going to lie.. but i doubt it.

how has the pouplation kept going up over the years? war disease and diasasters have always existed, yet to pouplation still goes up
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