With hypers in a game waits are basically of no use. I know that. And i know you can use death counters, minerals and all sorts of things to kinda fix that. But now im pretty mad at what i ran into. When making a trigger that looks like this, you cant really use waits or death counters im pretty sure?
-Create Unit
Order Unit move
Set Switch ( with death count with switch or w/e )
Create Unit
Order Unit move
Set Switch ( with death count with switch or w/e )
Etc... you cant do more than one or even one like that i dont think, or, thats the problem i ran into. maybe i could give you more info as to what my switch looks like and maybe the actual trigger ( which does not include Always as a part of the trigger )
hypers only make the time when a trig fires faster. thats it. switchs im pretty sure wont fire faster. you need to put the actions of the switch in the same trig
Toothfairy that was completely random and did not help at the least. I figured it out thanks to Oo.SOLAR.oO but thanks any way people -.-
then i soppose idk what the question is
I'm guessing this is solved...
Next time when you post a topic make sure the TOPIC NAME reflects your problem and be more clear about it. All I see in your post is a bunch of words smashed together that make no sense.
Also, use the [TRIGGER] code to better format your triggers.