I'm talking about the ones you find in the Doodad list for the Installation tileset... Not the Player Owned one... I know how to do that Legacy! I tried that trigger with the Doodad door but nothing happened... I've seen maps with this before and the doors open fine. I refuse to use the player owned ones since I don't want my map to look choppy!!! Any NEW ideas?[right][snapback]498196[/snapback][/right]
if your using the doors that are doodads, not units and not sprites, all doors except the hatch floor has to be nuetral (most popular and most effective is p12).
you must put a location on every single door. remember! disable opens them and enable closes them
if your transfer the map editors like.... you put those doors and saved it in the original editor that came with starcraft. then if your going to transfer it to starforge or scmdraft, it will turn out to be a sprite instead of a doodad.