QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707)
If they're both units, I think the one that's more south is displayed on top...
Floor traps (when they are not attacking) are always under normal ground units. It's the same as with beacons, no matter which one is higher on the screen, the unit (Marine/Ultralisk/Powerup/Etc.) will be on top of the beacon.
QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707)
... Just mirror the unit display over a horizontal or diagonal line and it should be fine... probably not very practical for you, though.
What? D:
I was suggesting he does the opposite. If he's got powerups on top of sprite, it may work for him. Then again, I'm on a Mac and never use sprites. I'm just assuming it will work.
You got it exactly backwards. =)
Even though the unit floor traps (when they are not attacking) are always under units, the same is not true for the sprite versions. The sprites will render on top of ground units that are higher up. He should use the units so that they are under the powerups.
Also, powerups take up the space of one tile (32x32 pixels), and you can only place them on walkable terrain. They won't fit on his little counter thingy, so he's got to use the powerup sprites.
Here's an example of how it looks with/without using floor trap sprites:
Put the traps as units and the powerups as the spites and it should work. Or it that the way you have it?
We have a winner! *ding ding ding*