1) make a trigger like this.
w.e conditsion and such
-set leader board for kill labeld "w.e"
wait 50000 millasecs
-set leaderboard for custom labeld "w.e"
ZiQi, if you use this metod, keep in mind that each player can only run one wait action at a time. If two triggers are trying to 'wait' at the same time it will mess them up.
Since you seem to be making an 8-player map, this likely means that you won't be able to use any other waits period.
An alternative method would be to use Death Counters as a timer.
Here is a link to the tutorial on Death Counters, it explains how to use them for timers.
2)anti map hacking is easy.
have a seige tank (perferably in a corner) on higher ground then a turret, or some small stationary building. make it for p8. now, as long as you dont have vision, you wont be able to see the turret. with hacks, you can see it. so the tank will kill the turret and then u can ban them for hacking.
Dosen't work, never has, never will.
If it isn't possible help me do an "anti-camp" type of thing.
Even with random spawn locations it's possible for someone to camp. (They just have to get a little lucky)
To prevent this from happening, what I would do is make it so you can't spawn in locations where an enemy is close by.
So, instead of just "If [Random condition#4] --> Create unit at [Location#4]",
do "If [Random condition#4]
& No units at [Location#4] --> Create unit at [Location#4]"