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Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> 3 Things I have trouble on
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZiQi on 2006-06-06 at 22:44:22
Hey.. well I am making a map and everything seems to be okay but I need to add these 3 thigns that I have no idea on how to. I have 2 leader boards that I want to be shown, one for kills and one for custom. The leaderboard for kills only show instead of the custom one. ( CAN SOMONE HELP ME THERE ) Also.. I would like how to add anti-maphack to a map. My last request is how would I go on having random respawns for a 8 player map with no computers. If it isn't possible help me do an "anti-camp" type of thing. Thanks !!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Toothfariy on 2006-06-06 at 22:51:39
thats more then three problems...

1) make a trigger like this.

w.e conditsion and such

-set leader board for kill labeld "w.e"
wait 50000 millasecs
-set leaderboard for custom labeld "w.e"

2)anti map hacking is easy.

have a seige tank (perferably in a corner) on higher ground then a turret, or some small stationary building. make it for p8. now, as long as you dont have vision, you wont be able to see the turret. with hacks, you can see it. so the tank will kill the turret and then u can ban them for hacking.

3)explain what u mean by random respwans. like do u mean randomly spawning units in various locations or is it randomly spawing units? or combo of both?

4)anti camp is really easy. make a location over an area you dont want camping, then when an enemy enters there, set their countdown and if they are there longer then X seconds then kill them or w.e

they use that system in sniper maps. might wanna check one of those maps out.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by fritfrat(U) on 2006-06-06 at 23:18:16
Tooth hit most of your stuff.. you need to cycle through your leaderboards (though you may want the timer to be smaller than 50 seconds), do his anti-hack method, and just do timers for anti-camp.

For random stuff, you generally want to randomize switches. You didn't specify what you wanted to have randomized, so I'll just make up a scenario: 16 random spawn locations. What you do is make a condition: always trigger with a preserve trigger to constantly randomize switches 1, 2, 3, and 4. Make the trigger:

Current player commands exactly 0 men, switches 1-4 are (set/cleared, there are 16 combinations):
Spawn unit at location (that goes with the switch combination).

For random units, it's basically the same way, only different units instead of locations.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZiQi on 2006-06-06 at 23:50:26
3)explain what u mean by random respwans. like do u mean randomly spawning units in various locations or is it randomly spawing units? or combo of both?

I mean randomly spawning in various locations only.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-06-07 at 02:15:33
1) make a trigger like this.

w.e conditsion and such

-set leader board for kill labeld "w.e"
wait 50000 millasecs
-set leaderboard for custom labeld "w.e"
ZiQi, if you use this metod, keep in mind that each player can only run one wait action at a time. If two triggers are trying to 'wait' at the same time it will mess them up.
Since you seem to be making an 8-player map, this likely means that you won't be able to use any other waits period.
An alternative method would be to use Death Counters as a timer. Here is a link to the tutorial on Death Counters, it explains how to use them for timers.

2)anti map hacking is easy.

have a seige tank (perferably in a corner) on higher ground then a turret, or some small stationary building. make it for p8. now, as long as you dont have vision, you wont be able to see the turret. with hacks, you can see it. so the tank will kill the turret and then u can ban them for hacking.
Dosen't work, never has, never will.

If it isn't possible help me do an "anti-camp" type of thing.
Even with random spawn locations it's possible for someone to camp. (They just have to get a little lucky)
To prevent this from happening, what I would do is make it so you can't spawn in locations where an enemy is close by.

So, instead of just "If [Random condition#4] --> Create unit at [Location#4]",
do "If [Random condition#4] & No units at [Location#4] --> Create unit at [Location#4]"
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZiQi on 2006-06-07 at 16:20:13
Even with random spawn locations it's possible for someone to camp. (They just have to get a little lucky)
To prevent this from happening, what I would do is make it so you can't spawn in locations where an enemy is close by.

So, instead of just "If [Random condition#4] --> Create unit at [Location#4]",
do "If [Random condition#4] & No units at [Location#4] --> Create unit at [Location#4]"

I see, but what if there is a unit at the location already? Is it possible to add in more actions like: On condition: DEATH .. No Units at Location1 --> Create 1 unit at Location1 ( but what if there is already a unit at location1, can u add like an "otherwise create 1 unit at Location2, if unit at location2, then location3.. ect. ) I hope this is clear.

Also you send the Anti-Maphack wont work, what way would I have to do it so it would work?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Toothfariy on 2006-06-07 at 16:33:54
ok for random respawn there is one of two thing you can do

1)randomize a set of switchs. then list all the possiblitys and make trigs for all of them.

2) or you can use my method.

create a dark templar for each player in and put a loction to follow it. have the location follow him as he "junkyard dogs" around the place. then when you want to randomly respawn, then you spawn at the designated location following one of the dark templars.

you have to make sure that the players can't see the dark templars, give them to player 8 or an allied comp. and do not share vision with the comp.

i've used the second one successfully in a map so i know it works and it's glitch free biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZiQi on 2006-06-07 at 17:08:00
QUOTE(Toothfariy @ Jun 7 2006, 03:33 PM)
ok for random respawn there is one of two thing you can do

1)randomize a set of switchs. then list all the possiblitys and make trigs for all of them.

2) or you can use my method.

create a dark templar for each player in and put a loction to follow it. have the location follow him as he "junkyard dogs" around the place. then when you want to randomly respawn, then you spawn at the designated location following one of the dark templars.

you have to make sure that the players can't see the dark templars, give them to player 8 or an allied comp. and do not share vision with the comp.

i've used the second one successfully in a map so i know it works and it's glitch free biggrin.gif

Yea but, I cant have an unallied comp cuz my map has 8 players. Is it possible to use Player 12 and also um... how would I do the triggers anyways? Can you give me example of the Condtions and Actions for the DTs
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Toothfariy on 2006-06-07 at 17:32:30
hmm you might run into a problem then. you have to figure out how to make it so no one owns the units that are in to system or else its'all screwed up.

heres the triggers

¤ 1
¤ always
¤ center location labeled 'X' on all units at 'XX'
¤ center location labeled 'XX' on all units at 'X'
¤ run ai script 'junk yard dog' for all untis at 'XX'
¤ perserve trigger

random respawn

thats how i got it set up in a map i used it in.

now when you when you want the respawn to work, you make some conditions up and then, create units at 'XX'. thats all you gotta do. biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-06-07 at 17:47:48
I see, but what if there is a unit at the location already? Is it possible to add in more actions like: On condition: DEATH .. No Units at Location1 --> Create 1 unit at Location1 ( but what if there is already a unit at location1, can u add like an "otherwise create 1 unit at Location2, if unit at location2, then location3.. ect. ) I hope this is clear.
If the conditions are based on something that is constantly changing/being randomized, then, if you are unable to spawn at a location because a unit is there, you'll get another chance to spawn at a different location during the next trigger cycle.

The DT idea doesn't sound too good. The players could just follow the DTs around to camp. Plus, without extra computer players it would be too complicated.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Toothfariy on 2006-06-07 at 17:52:21
kenoli, they players wont see them for one, and for 2, they wont know whos dt belongs to who. i've used it in a map and it works flawlessly

but there is a problem that if you used up all the players then you will have a little trouble with my method.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZiQi on 2006-06-07 at 19:06:49
If the conditions are based on something that is constantly changing/being randomized, then, if you are unable to spawn at a location because a unit is there, you'll get another chance to spawn at a different location during the next trigger cycle.

So how would I do it if I had something like. Conditions: Player 1 commands at most 0 scv -> Actions: Create 1 SCV at "LOCATION1" for Player 1 ? THX ALOT in advanced for all the help
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-06-07 at 19:23:01
Here's how you would randomize between 4 spawn locations:

¤ Always.
¤ Randomize Switch 1.
¤ Randomize Switch 2.

Respawn at Location#1
¤ Current player commands exactly 0 'unit'. (aka: needs to respawn)
¤ Switch 1 is Clear.
¤ Switch 2 is Clear.
¤ All Players bring exactly 0 'unit' to Location#1.
¤ Create 'unit' for Current Player at Location#1.

Respawn at Location#2
¤ Current player commands exactly 0 'unit'. (aka: needs to respawn)
¤ Switch 1 is Set.
¤ Switch 2 is Clear.
¤ All Players bring exactly 0 'unit' to Location#2.
¤ Create 'unit' for Current Player at Location#2.

Respawn at Location#3
¤ Current player commands exactly 0 'unit'. (aka: needs to respawn)
¤ Switch 1 is Clear.
¤ Switch 2 is Set.
¤ All Players bring exactly 0 'unit' to Location#3.
¤ Create 'unit' for Current Player at Location#3.

Respawn at Location#4
¤ Current player commands exactly 0 'unit'. (aka: needs to respawn)
¤ Switch 1 is Set.
¤ Switch 2 is Set.
¤ All Players bring exactly 0 'unit' to Location#4.
¤ Create 'unit' for Current Player at Location#4.
If a unit happens to be in one of the locations, no biggie. Next trigger cycle there's a good chance that the swicthes will be in a different configuration and you'll respawn at another location.
Basically you don't have to do anything if it fails to spawn a unit, just wait for the randomization to take care of it.
The only problem would be if ALL the locations had a unit in them, which would make it impossible to spawn, it's unlikely that this will happen though.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZiQi on 2006-06-07 at 19:43:45
OO I see, thx how would I do the set triggers for 4 more people? Also are those triggers for 1 player only or location1 = player 1, location2 = player 2? And for the first trigger, it would apply to all players correct?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Noober on 2006-06-07 at 21:41:18
Those are triggers for 1 player only. For 4 more people, you would need to randomize 2 switches for each person, so you would need 10 switches total. Switches are global; no matter which player modifies the switch, it's modified for everyone.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZiQi on 2006-06-08 at 00:09:43
How about for 8 people? Can't I just use the triggers that Kenoli did and apply it to all 8 players but add 4 more respawn location triggers with switches? If I can, can anyone do the other 4 respawn location and add the switches for me? I am sorry for bugging but I'm ~NUB~ and will learn quickly after.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-06-08 at 03:54:30
OO I see, thx how would I do the set triggers for 4 more people? Also are those triggers for 1 player only or location1 = player 1, location2 = player 2? And for the first trigger, it would apply to all players correct?
All the triggers are for all players.
The locations are ment to be different spawn locations on the map.
I made an example map for you: [attachmentid=19289]In this map there are 8 players (you and 7 computers) and 8 spawn locations. Each player gets one Goliath at a random location whenever theirs is killed. The triggers are made exactly like the ones I posted eariler.

Those are triggers for 1 player only. For 4 more people, you would need to randomize 2 switches for each person, so you would need 10 switches total. Switches are global; no matter which player modifies the switch, it's modified for everyone.
You're right, switches are global, but that's no reason to use different swicthes for each player.
The switches are being completely randomized, so there's no use in using switches 1&2 for one player and 2&3 for another player.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZiQi on 2006-06-08 at 16:28:13
Ok, the unchecked triggers are being used or no? Just asking because I need to add more triggers and those take room.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-06-08 at 16:59:26
Ok, the unchecked triggers are being used or no? Just asking because I need to add more triggers and those take room.
Unchecked triggers...?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZiQi on 2006-06-08 at 17:36:24
In the triggers, for each player in the Conditions and Actions, there are some triggers than are unchecked. But if their unchecked, it means they aren't working right?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Noober on 2006-06-08 at 20:55:26
QUOTE(Kenoli @ Jun 8 2006, 03:54 AM)
You're right, switches are global, but that's no reason to use different swicthes for each player.
The switches are being completely randomized, so there's no use in using switches 1&2 for one player and 2&3 for another player.

Well, what if 2 units die at exactly the same time? They're use the same randomized triggers and might spawn in the same place. Or will they? I dunno.

QUOTE(ZiQi @ Jun 8 2006, 05:36 PM)
In the triggers, for each player in the Conditions and Actions, there are some triggers than are unchecked. But if their unchecked, it means they aren't working right?

Common sense tells you... YES! Unchecked = No work.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZiQi on 2006-06-08 at 21:19:59
Ah.. well I was just making sure and got the triggers. Can anyone help me with an anti-hack. But the trick is my map uses all the players. But I have an idea... use one of the anti-maphack tricks like put a turrent on a high level land ( if it still works ) and change the turret or w/e every sec to every player? Would that work?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Noober on 2006-06-08 at 21:33:48
QUOTE(ZiQi @ Jun 8 2006, 09:19 PM)
Ah.. well I was just making sure and got the triggers. Can anyone help me with an anti-hack. But the trick is my map uses all the players. But I have an idea... use one of the anti-maphack tricks like put a turrent on a high level land ( if it still works ) and change the turret or w/e every sec to every player? Would that work?

That would do absolutely nothing except give the turret to different players. If you want an anti-hack, have like a sprite or unit that crashes SC in some hidden place where only people with maphacks can see, and center the view there at the start of the game. However, some people without hacks might also crash.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ZiQi on 2006-06-08 at 21:51:32
However, some people without hacks might also crash.
Well that is bad, is there another way or a better way? I have Players 9-12 Triggers, would it work if I put a sprite for Player 12 for example. And if it works, what sprite?

Also.. for the scoreboard thing again. I have two scoreboards, one for kills and one for custom. I was told to add a wait between the two but once the 2nd scoreboard comes up it stays there throughout the whole game and the 1st one doesn't show. Do I have to do something to make the first one show again?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Kenoli on 2006-06-09 at 04:19:54
In the triggers, for each player in the Conditions and Actions, there are some triggers than are unchecked. But if their unchecked, it means they aren't working right?
Right, unchecked trggers don't function, but I don't know what unchecked triggers you're talking about.

Well, what if 2 units die at exactly the same time? They're use the same randomized triggers and might spawn in the same place. Or will they? I dunno.
The "All Players bring exactly 0 'unit' to Location#1" conditions are there for a reason, they prevent you from respawning near anyone else.

Also, all the players have a copy of the randomization trigger, so the swicthes are being randomized during each player's trigger cycle. It makes no difference if two players die at once.
At the beginning of the map I made, all eight players are 'dead' and they all respawn in their own location with no problems.

Also.. for the scoreboard thing again. I have two scoreboards, one for kills and one for custom. I was told to add a wait between the two but once the 2nd scoreboard comes up it stays there throughout the whole game and the 1st one doesn't show. Do I have to do something to make the first one show again?
Sounds like you didn't preserve the trigger.
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