here goes the triggs, after the conditions are in place...
CreateUnit(1, Level One, b-b-l 7, P7);
CreateUnit(1, Level One, b-b-r 8, P8);
CreateUnit(1, Level One, b-t-r 7, P7);
CreateUnit(1, Level One, b-t-l 8, P8);
CreateUnit(1, Level One, b-ts-l 7, P7);
CreateUnit(1, Level One, b-ts-r 8, P8);
CreateUnit(1, Level One, b-bs-r 7, P7);
CreateUnit(1, Level One, b-bs-l 8, P8);
Comment("level 1");
but when testing the game creates 4 level one (shuttle) instead of 1 at each of those locations.... wtf? can neone help me?