QUOTE(Mini Moose 2707 @ Jun 8 2006, 12:08 PM)
I'm thinking he would want something like a poetry contest in the Writing forum or an Art contest in the Art & Images forum.
yep mini got my point XD... SEN is like a whole new community now, it is obvious are creative art section, and game section like that are growing bigger in some way. And i'm pretty darn sure someone in this board has great knowledge on about those, and act as a lead member kind of to keep the forums more active and stuff...
And there are difference from some guy just hosting an event and from a mod hosting a event.
It is more likely that the mod's even will follow through better, unlike some random guys.
Also if we do have some kind of activity mod for those sites like art contest, writing contest and etc. He might able to get some minerals so people participate.
I mean its just there to enchance the community. Its always good to have somewhat of a head figure who atleast knows what the topic is about. There is so many good mod in this forum, but they have a life and are so busy that it is hard for them to look at every single thing. But with like little mods or activity mod type of people, they can focus more on little section and keep the forum entertained.