QUOTE(fm47 @ Jun 15 2006, 08:25 PM)
Judges don't always do what they judge... just as one could appreciate art for its true nature, yet not able to create a physical form of what they see and feel.
There is a fine line between free-form and nonsense. Something as simple as "we'd", or in your case, wed, could confuse an entire audience. Even if not intended for an audience, when you look at it some day, you may have forgotten how you write (and trust me, don't think you'd ever forget) and that could confuse you as well.
"She said no
No thats not it
Depressed teens are all too common
Plastic bags and trash like
Just all too common"
Let's examine this part.
First off, let's tackle the previously noticed punctuation/operators.
"Plastic bags and trash like".... like what? Oh, you meant "trash-like", as in "like trash".
"She said no
No that's not it"
Would that be referring to her saying, "No. No, that's not it." Or did you think she said "No", but "that's not it" as in that's not what she really said.
As for rhythm, I caught it every now and then, but then lost it as soon as realized it as well.
"And she said
I don't
See any difference taking place
No difference taking place here
Today's times
Are just getting harder today is just
Too far away "
All of the above is in my opinion grammatical. Grammar has no place in poetry in my opinion. Poetic licence is there for a reason.
QUOTE(fm47 @ Jun 15 2006, 08:25 PM)
Ok... "And she said -- I don't" That's like a rhythmic trainwreck for me right there. In my view, you were trying to express a pause, something like, "And she said, 'I don't... see any difference taking place."
In my opinion, that would be better put
"And she said,
I don't see
Any differences
Taking place.
No difference
Taking place.
Today's Times
Are getting harder
Today is
Too far away"
Of course, I don't claim myself to be UP there like some of the artistic people, but this is my view and I'm sharing it with you. Since you wanted thoughts, critiques, you now TAKE this view, stamp it on a card, then decide if you want to compromise with it or just hold it (to keep a reference in case you decide you like it or to remember what you DON'T like).
I think you don't see the rhythm once again
1 short line
2 longer
another short
2 longer
{a short
a long
a short}
{***} (Because the rhythm sped up a bit. here)
I really think you have quite a problem following the rhythm i've set, i believe it is either to complex or its something your not good at.