Hey people!
I just finished the preview of my map I'm going to make with sessase. But i can't host maps because of my firewall. I hope to put it up in the download section so him and everyone can download it ... ( i don't know how to compress music.. it's extremely large .. 6 mb = =")
It's kind of like the A & O trailer.. but no way near its quality coz it's my first movie map i made. I followed A & O's structure and found the exact same music though..
anywayz.. can someone help me ?
I dunno if it went on.. but i tried to attatch a screenshot to this post... It's a enemy dying scene with skyscrapers as the background...
go to the DLDB and in the left side there is an option 'Add A File'
Yes. Its right smack in the middle of the downloads section. In addition, I added "Submit Content" to the top. Suggestions to make it more obvious?