I would like to have it so that a unit can only attack down a single way and not to the sides or behind it. Basically, here is what I am attempting to do:
-------------------------------------------*Cant Shoot Here*
|||||| zergling |||||| <------Marine's firing path *Not Here*
-------------------------------------------*Cant Shoot Here
If there is not a way, I need a way to use a damage system so it is similar to what I want done. Currently, I have it so a trigger kills units beyond his sight, but its not what I want... I want it to do dmg.
Try making a location where you want it to shoot. When the enemy brings a unit there, give the unit to a player you aren't allied with. Otherwise, give all men that aren't in the location to a player you are allied with.
Well, you could try to use a "move unit to shoot beacon to shoot this direction" system, or a dropship system, where you drop a unit to shoot right, and a different unit to shoot left. To do damage, you would need to do virtual hp.
Wow... That was the simplest way to solve it and I didnt see it. Thanks alot. But the thing is, what if I have another marine that needs to do the same thing? If there is a way beyond that, plz help.
I am trying to have this for players:
One Ally Comp (controller of marine)
One Enemy Comp
Six Humans (just regular ally/enemy)
w/ mom's help:
One Ally Comp (controller of marine)
One Enemy Comp
One Enemy Comp
Five Humans (just regular ally/enemy)
or u can use a trigger shooting dat shoots at the direction by creating units and destroying them fast and u can make the marine look at the direction by ordering it to move to the location and moving it to location out of map
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +Z
O<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:M +Z
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +Z
M= marine
Z= out of map
x= Direction keeper?
+= just there
O= target
:= direction location
So you move M to Z and u order M to move to :
You shoot by dropping a unit from a drop ship and it creates a unit dat creates and dies and makes a explosion or make a observer or a cloaked unit move to O and kill 1 unit and kills itself
I would like to make it real time fire as much as possible.
How bout disabling vision on that area! D:
You could overcome that with maphacks.
What about making units other than units in that location invincible?
I was thinking of suggesting that but isn't there a pause sort of before a unit has invincibility enabled/disabled? Well that's what I remember from testing.
I'm also for suggestiong higher terrain around the unit so he can't see to shoot in those directions
QUOTE(Noober @ Jun 8 2006, 07:12 PM)
You could overcome that with maphacks.
Anti-Map hack my friend
You should alternate with allied/unallied comps, heres what i mean:
(colors = different players)
O = water
------------------------------------ = area you want to attack
green = "comp 1"
red = "comp 2"
If you can understand.. This should remove the problem of shooting over water.
So, the people that are on the red lines, will b allied to green so they dont shoot over the water and get them as a target. And vice-versa.
QUOTE(The_Shattered_moose @ Jun 8 2006, 10:28 PM)
You could
possibly use a mobile grid system, where blinded units with vision shared to the player are placed in front of their unit, and they have vision turned off to themselves/their attacking unit is blind.
Theres some good information on grid systems here:
http://www.staredit.net/index.php?tutorial=137and here:
No need to use blinded units. Have 2 computer players, 1 you're allied to and 1 you're enemied with. Whichever way you're facing, give those units to the enemied player. Whichever ways you're not facing, give those to the allied player. As urmom said, setting invincibility won't work well because of the pauses.
I used the ally system. It works just like I would like it to and the loss of a player isnt that bad. Besides, most of my games are five players anyway, so its not much of a change.
Thank you urmom, like I said, simplicity works oh-so-well. Thank you all.
Look forward to the map, it seems to be coming along well and is made of mostly original ideas, so I hope its liked. If the map making process keeps going as it is, I should be able to post a test sometime next week.
Again, thank you.
QUOTE(Noober @ Jun 8 2006, 06:12 PM)
You could overcome that with maphacks.
Um, I don't think you can... A map hack doesn't allow the game to do anything that's not supposed to be done, it just gives info to the human players, the game acts as if the hack isnt there... If it would allow the game to do something thats not supposed to be done, the game would simply desync...
QUOTE(damned_soldier @ Jun 8 2006, 02:10 PM)
I would like to have it so that a unit can only attack down a single way and not to the sides or behind it. Basically, here is what I am attempting to do:
-------------------------------------------*Cant Shoot Here*
|||||| zergling |||||| <------Marine's firing path *Not Here*
-------------------------------------------*Cant Shoot Here
If there is not a way, I need a way to use a damage system so it is similar to what I want done. Currently, I have it so a trigger kills units beyond his sight, but its not what I want... I want it to do dmg.
What is the purpsose of this, what situation would it be used for? This would help me in telling you how to do it!
Look at the project in my sig... I have already desided on urmom's advice considering it works perfectly (well, to the extent I need).