[center]Chance Defense[/center]
•Dark archon possible upgrades: 1%, 30%, 50%, 100%, stay same hp, Death
•upgrade cooldown 4 times
•upgrade range 5 times
•upgrade the chance of 1%hp
•upgrade the chance of 30%hp
•upgrade the chance of 50%hp
•upgrade the chance of 100%hp
•upgrade the chance of Death
•Start with Splash and can upgrade your chances of it 2 times
•Since each one is limited they will have to choose wisely. And because everyone wont upgrade the 100%hp one i'll make it if it lands on 100%hp that you get extra money to help you.
•Buyable units to help kill: construct one tower, stack all towers +1, tank, hydra, missle, firetrap, turret, bunker
•+1 life
•Upgrade all options: which will either hero the units or double the number of the other things for that one purchase.
•About 30 lvls which have about 5 different units that have their hp changed like %
•5 bosses that will probably be air units
•offensive options (dropship): not sure yet.
•random direction of which side the enemy will go (left or right)
•11 lives per player, 33 if decided to play in team mode
there will be more that all that i thought of so far. Any cool ideas you might get from reading this please tell me so i can maybe implement it into map
Completed•The Dark Archon system (for pl1) Demo of it at bottom
Under Construction•buyable units, buildings or effects
•can either be solo race to the end
•or 3v3 side vs side meaning that if 1 player leaks for the team they lose a life(so make a good team)
-Map tileset•Badlands
-Map size•128x128
Game Play
Basicly you have a Dark Archon that mind controls the passing units that are trying to get to the end where u which then lose a life. But the dark archons range is limited intill it is upgraded same with the cooldown. after the unit is mind controled it then undergoes a chance of being put at 1%hp, 30%hp, 50%hp, 100%, stay the same or death. But since theres some slim chances of killing the unit you get other units or turrets to help you finish them off. Stop the passing units from reaching the end of the path. finish first!
-Player InterfaceControl 1 Dark Archon and have a choice of many other defending units or turrets
-What's new in your map that others have not done before?•This map will mostly be based on chance(Random is the way to go). so its never predictable how the game will play out.
Complete randomnization•Never a predictable game outcome. therefore always enjoyable
•The rather somewhat complex DA system to make the Chance idea work.
•placeable stackable pylons for turrets
•Made by me
•Offensive options to mess up the other players giving you a better chance to win
Screenshots / Demo
ss 1ss 2ss 3Minimap Resized[attachmentid=19513] (only pl1 others can watch all the DA upgrades are free so test and test please find some glitchs or bugs and such. medics spawn every 2 or 3 secs so it never ends just have fun and try it out)