Hey its me, again. All the tips about anti-maphack don't really work for me. I have an 8 player map with all the slots used up by HUMANS. I put in crashable sprites for player 12 but everyone crashes even though they dont have maphack. Any tips? THX~!
Lol, dude, where did you put the sprite, you have to make it so they don't SEE it unless they have a maphack, like make it so if they are in the general area of the sprite make it dissappear.
What sprite are you using? Some sprites will crash the game without the players even seeing them.
i am using the play12 catina u told me. I am sure I am doing it right too. I have fog of war but I put it in an area that is black not fogged and I also put it on a cliff. People can see it once they pass by the cliff several times but it is in the fog of war not clearly seen.
Do I have to disable it or something?
You have to put it in a place where you can NEVER see it, unless you hack.
Is this a good place or no.

No, because you can see partway up cliffs.

How about this now.
well it doesn't crash me but it don't work on crashing hackers. the catinas become a doodadish bush. when maphack is ebing used.
I'm not exactly an expert on map hacks but I know some of them have anti-anti-maphack features, like preventing the game from crashing due to viewing certain sprites or disabled units.
Use the protoss marker, it crashes hacks.
Ok, ThX IT WORKS! thx alot guys. SOLVED~