And i asked what info. So you need info about what GOD CP does ?
And i gave you a link where its all written. GOD Control Panel is a a seperate area on the map. Its seperated by a border location which kills any player that goes on it. There is no big location covering all the GOD CP, but i can create one if needed. In the Area there are very many buttons for GOD to control other players.
But thats not important. To make it simple. I have an AREA where i need to color all the flags by P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 colours. And these players MUST not see their flags at the beginning. At the moment i have a trigger giving all the flags to P11 and 4 Hyper triggers. But P1-P6 all can still see their flags at the beginning. I have 50 locations left, so i CANNOT cover all the flags with locations. If i remake the table then i can, but...
I have also tested the trigger like: Create flag for P1 Give flag to P11. And P1 can still see the spot where his flag was created for a sec at the beginning. So i think its kind of impossible to do. If anyone has a working solution or Hack to solve this, then im a big ear !
To the next problem now. I finally got P1 triggers copyed for P2-P8. Allie/Enemy and Vision On/Off works perfectly. Create, Give, Kill, Take units by unit type works very well. Im was amazed that i pulled it off so far
But I have some bugs with the Mass controls.
All of the functions work if you choose only ONE player and make the mass control function happen on him. A function that works with MULTIPLE players selected is *Mass Take - this gives all selected player units to you, very neat. Mass give is kind of defective, because you cant split up your units and give some to P1 and some to P2 and P3. But this cant be fixed, so let it be. The other thing that works for MULTIPLE players is *Make Invincible/Mortal.
The functions that dont work with MULTIPLE players selected are *Give/Take Minerals *Give/Take Gas *Heal/Unpower *Victory/Defeat *Mass Kill
For example: God selects players in this order P1 , P2 and P3 the be affected.
Now he moves the unit that gives minerals to the location that makes that function happen. But the player who recieves the minerals is only P1. P2 any P3 dont recieve any minerals. The same thing happens with the other defective functions i named above. Only the firstly selected player gets affected. And i dont know why it won't work. Ill write the triggers template here for mass controls...
The player:
Player 1
Player 7 brings exactly 1 Civ to "Function" (Give minerals location in example)
Player 7 brings exaxtly 1 Civ to "1Player" (The player selecting location)
For every function there is a new trigger with the above conditions ofcause.
(Modify resources , add 500 Minerals in example)
The ones that dont work also if multiple players are selected:
*Modify resources
*Kill all men in location
*Kill all buildings in location
*Set Energy, Set hit points, Set shield pointsThe ones that work also if multiple players are selected
*Give all units in location to player7 GOD
*Give all player7 GOD units to selected player
*Enable invincibility for any unit owned by current player (mulitple lines repeating)
*Disable invincibility for any unit owned by current player (mulitple lines repeating)Move all "any unit" for Player 7 at "Function" to "Function OFF" (The last "OFF" location does nothing a unit is in it)
Preserve Trigger
The player:
Player 2
Player 7 brings exactly 1 Civ to "Function"
Player 7 brings exaxtly 1 Civ to "2Player"
All same as above.
The player:
Player 3 , then P4 ,P5, P6, P7, and fianlly P8
Player 7 brings exactly 1 Civ to "Function"
Player 7 brings exaxtly 1 Civ to "3Player" , "5Player" , "6Player" , "7Player"...
All same as above. This makes a lot of triggers. For every function multiplied with every player. But ,amagimg them with text editors makes it possible to handle them all. So what might be wrong with my mass contol if MULTIPLE players are selected ?