Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> UMS Assistance -> Bunker Defense
Report, edit, etc...Posted by empty on 2006-06-12 at 16:13:30
You know in all the defenses they have the disabled bunkers and whatnot, and so I tried it out. I did not have similiar results...
There are two triggers I used to do this, and I did the triggers in SF.


MoveLocation(p1depot, Supply Depot, P1, Anywhere);

Bring(P1, AtLeast, 1, Supply Depot, p1depot);

MoveUnit(All, SCV, P1, p1depot, scv base);
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Supply Depot, P1, p1depot);
CreateUnit(1, Bunker, p1depot, P1);
CreateUnit(1, Firebat, p1depot, P1);
CreateUnit(1, Marine, p1depot, P1);
CreateUnit(1, Ghost, p1depot, P1);
RunAIScriptAt(Enter Closest Bunker, p1depot);
SetDoodadState(Disable, Bunker, P1, p1depot);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, P1, scv base, p1depot);

I tried it out in SC, but the units didn't have time to go into the bunker before it was disabled.
user posted image

So I tried sticking a wait action (I did times 0, 1, 5, and 100).
Bring(P1, AtLeast, 1, Supply Depot, p1depot);

MoveUnit(All, SCV, P1, p1depot, scv base);
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Supply Depot, P1, p1depot);
CreateUnit(1, Bunker, p1depot, P1);
CreateUnit(1, Firebat, p1depot, P1);
CreateUnit(1, Marine, p1depot, P1);
CreateUnit(1, Ghost, p1depot, P1);
RunAIScriptAt(Enter Closest Bunker, p1depot);
SetDoodadState(Disable, Bunker, P1, p1depot);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, P1, scv base, p1depot);

But the bunker was never disabled at all!
user posted image

Please help me! What am I doing wrong!?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2006-06-12 at 16:34:07
I'll copy and paste the trigger that I used in one of my defense maps for you.
Trigger("Player 1"){
Bring("Current Player", "Terran Supply Depot", "Anywhere", At least, 1);

Move Location("Current Player", "Terran Supply Depot", "Anywhere", "Bunker Detection 1");
Play WAV("sound\\Bullet\\Tfrshoot.wav", 0);
Remove Unit At Location("Current Player", "Terran Supply Depot", 1, "Bunker Detection 1");
Move Unit("Current Player", "Terran SCV", All, "Anywhere", "Move SCV");
Create Unit("Current Player", "Terran Bunker", 1, "Bunker Detection 1");
Create Unit("Current Player", "Terran Marine", 3, "Bunker Detection 1");
Run AI Script At Location("EnBk", "Bunker Detection 1");
Remove Unit At Location("Current Player", "Norad II (Crashed Battlecruiser)", 1, "Norad Remove 1");
Move Unit("Current Player", "Terran Bunker", 1, "Bunker Detection 1", "Norad Remove 1");
Create Unit("Player 8", "Zerg Beacon", 1, "Bunker Detection 1");
Set Doodad State("Player 8", "Zerg Beacon", "Bunker Detection 1", disabled);
Give Units to Player("Player 8", "Current Player", "Zerg Beacon", 1, "Bunker Detection 1");
Move Unit("Current Player", "Terran SCV", All, "Anywhere", "Bunker Detection 1");
Preserve Trigger();
Comment("Detect Supply Depot");

I would combine the move lcoation trigger with the bunker trigger, and you need to set the wait longer, I've found that 600 ms is perfect.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Pyro_Maniak14 on 2006-06-12 at 17:03:14
You can use this map as a reference. I made it especially for cloaked bunkers and beacons. (Note: Right click, Save Target As..., add .scm/.scx to end of file and instead of HTML Document choose All Files.)
But urmom's trigger should work. But mine does also, and you can test it on Starcraft. wink.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by sharf on 2006-06-12 at 18:12:50
make a location this size



create the untis
make a NEW trigger
center the bunker location on teh bunker and condition brign atleats 3 men to bunker
DISABEL it then.

that checks the units in the bunker.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-06-12 at 22:53:14
well empty... the second one you did looked fine.

i use only 2 hyper triggers.
how many are you running now?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by empty on 2006-06-12 at 23:41:16
Thanks you guys, but I don't understand the Norad II thingy. Care to explain?

Because I'm pretty sure that's the trick to getting them completely invisible to where you can build and walk over them, but yet they still attack.
Also, Urmom, in the trigger you showed me it doesn't look like you disabled the bunker at all. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Ok, I went back and did some tinkering, and came out with this:
Bring(CurrentPlayer, AtLeast, 1, Supply Depot, Anywhere);
MoveLocation(bunker, Supply Depot, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere);
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Supply Depot, CurrentPlayer, bunker);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere, scv move);
CreateUnit(1, Bunker, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Marine, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Ghost, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Firebat, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
RunAIScriptAt(Enter Closest Bunker, bunker);
SetDoodadState(Disable, Bunker, CurrentPlayer, bunker);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere, bunker);

The Bunker becomes disabled and the units are able to get in their in time! But, it isn't completely invisible, so basically it's just like a regular bunker but the units inside can't come out. Please Help me on that.
Also, whenever I went to build a second bunker, everything worked accept the disabling part. This is my location size: ( One of these []= a 1x1 square tile)
(So basically a 4x4 compared to a bunker...)
(So when the location goes over the supply depot and bunker it comes out to this)
((Bunker is red))

Could that maybe be the problem? I dunno, just trying to give you guys as much info as possible.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Who-the-hell-ru on 2006-06-12 at 23:50:37
I don't really get what you're asking, first, you want to disable it, I just disable doodad state and it gives me no trouble. The thing I don't get is, why are you showing us the positions? I must've missed something.

And by walking through the bunkers, you mean what PATH D has done?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by empty on 2006-06-13 at 00:02:04
What why are you disabling a zerg beacon?! I'm confused...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Who-the-hell-ru on 2006-06-13 at 00:37:21
I dont see where it says Zerg Beacon, unless you mean in the map pyro attached..

Just do what they give you and see if it works..if it works and still don't get it, THEN ask biggrin.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-06-13 at 01:15:03
ok i get it now... make sure your location size for the bunks are
length: 3 square tiles
height: 2 square tiles

the reason why the 2nd bunk wont disable is becuase some how your location is going over the other bunker, the location is to big.

if you make the location the same size as the bunker then you should not have a problem.

Report, edit, etc...Posted by empty on 2006-06-13 at 01:21:01
Ah, ok! All the problems I stated above are fixed!

Now theres somethin else I want to tackle...
How do you stack buildings on a location? Because, in the map I'm doing the bunks are moved to a location, but the trigg messes up cause more than one can't be on it. Can you guys help?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Who-the-hell-ru on 2006-06-13 at 01:42:23
QUOTE(empty @ Jun 12 2006, 10:20 PM)
Ah, ok! All the problems I stated above are fixed!

Now theres somethin else I want to tackle...
How do you stack buildings on a location? Because, in the map I'm doing the bunks are moved to a location, but the trigg messes up cause more than one can't be on it. Can you guys help?

I don't think you could do that without making it like how it is on Path D.

mm..I tried giving you an idea, but I realized it was wrong midway.

If it'd still spark some ideas..

What if you turn off the lights, which gives your current units to whatever player you are, making "current player" void in that duration. And use current player...and it died off there.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Pyro_Maniak14 on 2006-06-13 at 01:46:15
Ignore the beacon, it was just there to see how I could cloak it. But the bunker part if fine. But if you're building a supply depot to change into a bunker then all you have to do its the 'move location' trigger. I don't think you can stack multiple buildings in one location during the game unless its the cloaked bunkers.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mp)MinigameEast on 2006-06-13 at 01:50:38
make an area that is the same area as a bunker the 3x2 square tile thing and surround the area with non buildable terrain.
then try and put one norad 2 crash unit some what in the middle but more to the right of it (make sure it has the snapping to grid thing on) then just move it 15 clicks to the left with your left arrow key. then highlight the unit and go to the word stacking and put in 200 or so.

then for your trigger

Bring(CurrentPlayer, AtLeast, 1, Supply Depot, Anywhere);
MoveLocation(bunker, Supply Depot, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere);
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Supply Depot, CurrentPlayer, bunker);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere, scv move);
CreateUnit(1, Bunker, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Marine, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Ghost, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Firebat, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
RunAIScriptAt(Enter Closest Bunker, bunker);
SetDoodadState(Disable, Bunker, CurrentPlayer, bunker);
move the bunker from location bunker to the norad 2 crashed area.
remove 1 norad 2 crashed
MoveUnit(All, SCV, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere, bunker);
Report, edit, etc...Posted by empty on 2006-06-13 at 13:44:11
Ok, I haven't tried it out, but last night I changed the trigger. They become completely invisible but the actual bunker has no where to go.
Bring(CurrentPlayer, AtLeast, 1, Supply Depot, Anywhere);
MoveLocation(bunker, Supply Depot, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere);
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Supply Depot, CurrentPlayer, bunker);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere, scv move);
CreateUnit(1, Bunker, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Marine, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Ghost, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Firebat, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
RunAIScriptAt(Enter Closest Bunker, bunker);
MoveUnit(All, Bunker, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere, norad);
SetDoodadState(Disable, Bunker, CurrentPlayer, norad);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere, bunker);

I went back and re-did it.
Bring(CurrentPlayer, AtLeast, 1, Supply Depot, Anywhere);
MoveLocation(bunker, Supply Depot, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere);
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Supply Depot, CurrentPlayer, bunker);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere, scv move);
CreateUnit(1, Bunker, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Marine, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Ghost, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Firebat, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
RunAIScriptAt(Enter Closest Bunker, bunker);
SetDoodadState(Disable, Bunker, CurrentPlayer, bunker);
MoveUnit(1, Bunker, CurrentPlayer, bunker, norad);
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Norad II Battlecruiser, P1, norad);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere, bunker);
But the bunker isn't moved at all and does not disable.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Noober on 2006-06-13 at 14:55:11
You have to remove the norad before moving the bunker.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Urmom(U) on 2006-06-13 at 15:37:21
Moving it 15 clicks to the left won't do anything. But let me explain to you how this works. When you remove a building when there are multiple buildings at the location, starcraft doesn't read the stacked buildings and marks the area as buildable/moveable. So one you remove a building, you can move another in its place. You have to do this each time though. But like Noober said, you have to place the remove in front of the move.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by empty on 2006-06-13 at 15:56:40
Bring(CurrentPlayer, AtLeast, 1, Supply Depot, Anywhere);
MoveLocation(bunker, Supply Depot, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere);
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Supply Depot, CurrentPlayer, bunker);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere, scv move);
CreateUnit(1, Bunker, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Marine, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Ghost, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
CreateUnit(1, Firebat, bunker, CurrentPlayer);
RunAIScriptAt(Enter Closest Bunker, bunker);
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Norad II Battlecruiser, P2, norad);
MoveUnit(1, Bunker, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere, norad);
SetDoodadState(Disable, Bunker, CurrentPlayer, norad);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, CurrentPlayer, Anywhere, bunker);

Same thing: Isn't disabled nor moved.

UPDATE: OMFG!!! I went back and looked at this trigger, and I saw my mistake. Look at this:
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Norad II Battlecruiser, P2, norad); WRONG!!!
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Norad II crashed, P2, norad); RIGHT!!!
I made the correction and it works perfectly. Thanks guys, sorry for my newb mistake.
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