You know in all the defenses they have the disabled bunkers and whatnot, and so I tried it out. I did not have similiar results...
There are two triggers I used to do this, and I did the triggers in SF.
MoveLocation(p1depot, Supply Depot, P1, Anywhere);
Bring(P1, AtLeast, 1, Supply Depot, p1depot);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, P1, p1depot, scv base);
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Supply Depot, P1, p1depot);
CreateUnit(1, Bunker, p1depot, P1);
CreateUnit(1, Firebat, p1depot, P1);
CreateUnit(1, Marine, p1depot, P1);
CreateUnit(1, Ghost, p1depot, P1);
RunAIScriptAt(Enter Closest Bunker, p1depot);
SetDoodadState(Disable, Bunker, P1, p1depot);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, P1, scv base, p1depot);
PreserveTrigger();I tried it out in SC, but the units didn't have time to go into the bunker before it was disabled.
So I tried sticking a wait action (I did times 0, 1, 5, and 100).
Bring(P1, AtLeast, 1, Supply Depot, p1depot);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, P1, p1depot, scv base);
RemoveUnitAtLocation(1, Supply Depot, P1, p1depot);
CreateUnit(1, Bunker, p1depot, P1);
CreateUnit(1, Firebat, p1depot, P1);
CreateUnit(1, Marine, p1depot, P1);
CreateUnit(1, Ghost, p1depot, P1);
RunAIScriptAt(Enter Closest Bunker, p1depot);
SetDoodadState(Disable, Bunker, P1, p1depot);
MoveUnit(All, SCV, P1, scv base, p1depot);
PreserveTrigger();But the bunker was never disabled at all!
Please help me! What am I doing wrong!?